Lucy's Bed

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TW: slight mention of SA


Y/n's POV

"Well doesn't this look familiar," Angel mimicked Lucifer in a high voice and chucked to himself. Charlie then assorted her gaze away from us and gave Angel a weird look, she was so confused.

"Do you guys know each other?" Charlie asked with an excited but confused tone.

I got scared when she said this, then I looked at Lucifer, wanting him to respond. He noticed and decided to speak.

"Yah, well, yes, in fact we do Charlie," Lucifer spoke with such ease. I tensed up and took a deep breath as he said this, causing my chest to puff up. He looked down on me for a moment noticing, then looked back up, smiling as he spoke again, "she used to work for me for a brief period of time, but she was too much of a klutz, so I had to let her go, nothing personal, she was just bad at her job," he glanced at me after he said this, smirking. My heart felt a flutter, but I played it off by rolling my eyes.

"Oh, well," Charlie paused as she took this information in, "if either of you have any negative feelings towards each other for what happened, I am more than happy to organize an activity for you!"

I couldn't believe it, half of my worries were if Charlie found out I had been lying to her. Well I guess withholding information isn't really lying, but she would surely think it was important information if she knew one of the people she has been living with for the past few months, has not only met her before, but was there for her birth, cared after her, and not to mention was hopelessly in love with her dad at one period in her life; while he was still married to her mom.

I took Charlie's suggestion as an excuse to speak up, "thank you Charlie. I know my time working for your father ended, well, abruptly, but I already put that past me."

The people (or demons?) around us started to lose focus and banter amongst themselves, of course with Angel Dust grabbing Husk's bowtie, obviously teasing him. But Charlie still concentrated on me and Lucifer, and was now walking towards us. When she made it to the bar she leaned over, letting her arms carry some of her weight. She then spoke.

"So why didn't you tell me about this before Y/n?" I froze, then responded.

"Well, I was probably gonna tell you eventually, I just didn't think it was that important. Like Lucifer said, I only worked for him for a brief period of time, I was barely even situated in my job before he decided to fire me, which was pretty embarrassing. I honestly didn't think it was that relevant."

On shit, now I was straight up lying to her face. All my progress of trying to become a better person just took a huge step backwards.

"Okayy," she stood there thinking to herself. "Oo! That's something we can work on! How to be honest and true to other people, cause you never know if it'll mean something to them. Being open!" She stuck her finger in the air as she exclaimed this, walking away from us and towards Vaggie, excited about her new idea.

I looked over to Lucifer with my mouth wide open, completely dumbfounded at what just happened. Half of my worries got wiped away in a matter of seconds. He glanced over to me and smiled with his head not completely facing me. Lord have I missed that classic smile. He leaned sideways on the bar before he spoke, slowly reaching with his free hand for a glass.

"Want anything?" I could only assume he was talking about a drink. "Let me get you some-"

*Flashback*- Still Y/n's POV

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now