The Room

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Y/n's POV

'I don't love him anymore.' From one lie to another, this was the greatest one. The one I even tried to convince myself was true, and I partially succeeded. It was only until I saw him again that I realized how much of a lie it actually was. After so many years he hasn't changed. His smile, his demeanor, it's all the same.

I told Charlie I put the past behind me, but sitting on this couch, having Nifty braid my hair while I reflect on my experiences has truly made me realize, I had never actually lost that feeling I convinced myself so hard to lose.

This didn't matter though. It didn't matter if I loved him or if we were soulmates destined by Aphrodite. I can't be with him, our relationship had to end, and it's for the best that we don't get back together. I now had to convince myself that no matter how strong I felt towards him, I wouldn't let myself give in.

As I came to this conclusion, Nifty finished braiding.

"Thanks, your hair was all over the place before I got to it, I guess it just needed a lady's touch." I got slightly offended by this, even though I was well aware I didn't brush my hair before heading to breakfast.

"But I am-" she walked away before I could finish my sentence. "Huh."

I sat for a little longer just looking around the room, not really thinking and just letting my brain rest. I eventually decided to head upstairs, but as I did, I noticed Charlie and Vaggie in the lobby with suitcases.

"Oh, are you guys going to heaven right now?" I asked with sheer confusion.

"Yah, the portal should be opening any second noww," suddenly, wind started blowing towards the middle of the room, then a light appeared, expanding into a circular shape of a portal.

There it was, heaven, just a few steps away was what I was working so hard for. Just from the small glimpse I saw of it, I could see the sky was blue and clear, and the floor was spotless. It looked safe, like I wouldn't have to deal with the stresses that each day in hell brings. It was beautiful, it looked like a dream, it looked like heaven, literally.

"Oh! There it is! See you later guys!" Charlie seemed super excited and grabbed Vaggie before heading in the portal.

"Bye," I said this kind of low because I was focusing on the fate I could've had, heaven.

After Charlie and Vaggie went in the portal, it immediately closed. I was back to only seeing red skies and the dust clouds that appeared under my every step.

Realizing that I was stuck in hell made me just want to close my eyes. I hated hell, so much. I slowly walked up the stairs, preparing myself for a nap. Once I got to my room I released all the tension from my legs and fell onto my bed, slowly closing my eyes to rest.


Y/n's POV

"Wow Lucy, I'm so glad you woke me up."

"It's good right?"

"Haha it's more than good, it's gorgeous," I gazed off into the distance as I said this.

"Just like you," I looked over and saw him smiling with a smug expression after he said this.

"Oh shut up you dork," I couldn't control the blush that came to my face as he complimented me, he made me feel so seen, so loved. "Let's listen to something, some music would be nice with this sunrise."

I reached for the radio and switched between stations until I found a song I liked. Then I heard "Your Song" by Elton John being played and immediately got excited.

The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now