Maze Daze

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T/W: smut


Y/n's POV

Lucifer held my face in his hands. We were slowly gravitating towards each other.

"Lucy I, we can't do this," I looked down to stop ourselves from becoming even closer to each other.

"But why can't we?" He backed away a little.

"You know why Lucifer, just stop," his hands fell from my face when I said this. I felt guilty, I didn't want him to stop, I wanted him more than anything, but I couldn't stand being with him just to lose him again.

"You're right, I told you I just wanted to talk and now I'm taking it too far, can I just see the room already?" I nodded my head and unlocked the door, but when I did, the bright red of hell's sky flashed in our faces. This room was exactly like mine if it faced the opposite direction, it had that same large window that overlooked hell, but the only difference was that this one had a glass door connecting to a balcony.

"This is actually nicer than I thought it'll be, looks like I don't have to change it up that much." We walked around the room and Lucifer set some of his things down.

"Look, I know you wanted to talk, but before you say anything I just want to make it clear that I really am trying for redemption."


"I don't know if you believe in Charlie's cause that much, but I do, or at least I try. I just, really want it to work. And I- wait, why would you need to change up the room, you're only staying for a day or two?"

"I only said that cause I had no real plan. But if I'm being honest, I'll stay however long you want me to~"


Lucifer's face turned more serious before he spoke. "Do you really think I'll just leave you with some.. creep that gloats about how he's gonna take your soul? No! You and I both know that I care about you too much to let anything happen to you. I'm gonna protect you Y/n, no matter what, whether we're together or if you never want to see me again, I'll keep you safe." He held my hand as he said this.

"You have no idea how much he scared me Lucifer, thank you. But, how did you know what happened the other night?"

"Look, after what took place so long ago, I still wanted to see you, I thought maybe if we could just keep our relationship a secret it might work out. I used my powers to find you, but when I did, you weren't doing well."

"Okay, but how did you know what happened the other night?" I got a little annoyed. I mean I didn't mind hearing how he still cared for me when I felt my lowest, but God damn, what did that have to do with anything?

"Since I saw you again the other day I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were always good at that, staying in my head. I started to get reminded of our life back then, and the love we shared for one another. I couldn't help feeling how I felt so long ago, both the love and the loss."

"So you decided to watch me?" I looked to my side as I heard noise coming from downstairs.

"Just like from when we first broke up, I was worried, I needed to see how you were doing, but when I saw that red nut doing what he did to you, it was even more of a reason for me to come."

"I think Charlie and Vaggie returned, we should head down." We exited the room and walked side by side until we reached the top of the stairs.


The Fiddler (Lucifer x fem reader) - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now