Were They Talking About Me?

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Rhea's POV

Finn, Damian, and Dominik were still asleep. It's 8:30 AM. Finn and Damian would be awake by now. We don't have to be at the arena for a few hours so I decide to let them sleep. I grab my phone from its charger and head out to the living room. "Ah, Ms. Ripley, good morning! How did you sleep?" Caleb asked. "Morning Caleb. I slept well!" "Good! I have breakfast on its way for everyone! Is there anything you would like me to do?" "I'm good but thank you! Do you know if Kathrine is awake?" "She's in her room. She might be out of the shower by now but knock just in case." "Thanks Caleb! Can you wake the boys up when breakfast is here?" "Already planned on doing so!"

I knocked on Kathrine's bedroom door as Caleb suggested. I didn't get a response so I knocked again while opening the door. I could hear movement coming from the bathroom. I peeked in and saw Kathrine in a robe, blowdrying her hair. She saw me in the mirror spying on her. "You gonna be a creep and watch or you gonna come in?" she said as she turned off the hair dryer. "Sorry! I didn't know if you were gonna be, well ya know?" "Naked?" "Yeah, I uh didn't want to see anything I'm not supposed to" "Don't worry about that. Unless I'm showering, changing, or ya know, having sex, I'm never naked." "I'll keep note of that!" We both gave a little laugh "Wanna get ready with me?" she said handing me the hair dryer. "Sure!"

Damian's POV

Finn, Dominik, and I were awoken by Caleb. He let us know breakfast was here. I looked around at my surroundings. Where was Rhea? "Hey Caleb, where's Rhea?" "Ms. Ripley is with Ms. Daniels getting ready. Now come eat, you all have a long day ahead." Caleb stated before leaving the room. "If only we could afford someone like Caleb man," said Dominik as he walked toward the door. "He does know that Ripley isn't Rhea's actual last name right?" asked Finn. "Probably not. It's the only name he knows her by. Plus I bet Rhea doesn't care. She doesn't like being called Demi so I doubt she'll want to be called Ms. Bennett." "Yeah, even you saying it sounds weird."

The 5 of us ate breakfast together and chatted about the coming days. "So Kat, got any plans this week?" I asked. "As a matter of fact, I do! I have to head to New York. I've got meetings all this week. You guys should come with me!" "We would love to but we've got some stuff to take care of back home," Rhea stated. "You guys live in Florida, right?" "Yeah" "I'll have my pilot drop you guys off in Florida before I head to New York." "Wait seriously? You don't have to do that." Finn said. "Hey, it's my treat! Plus, you guys haven't been on my private jet before!" "YOU HAVE YOU'RE OWN PLANE?" Dominik said with excitement. Kathrine just smiled and nodded her head. I can't believe we're gonna fly private!

Time skip

Rhea's POV

Monday Night Raw came and went. I chose Charlotte Flair as my opponent for Wrestlemania! Now it was time to head back to Kathrine's for the night. The boys and I were in our dressing room while we waited for Kathrine to finish her interview on Raw Talk. "I'm happy Kathrine is gonna be on Raw with us!" Dom happily stated. "Same here! I've missed her more than any of you will ever know!" "Ok I think we should talk about the other morning mainly cause I can't get it out of my mind," said Damian. "Me too! If I'm being honest, I forgot I had a crush on Kathrine," said Finn. "Everyone had a crush on her bro! And they probably still do! I know mine came back the minute I saw her on Saturday!" Dom stated. "Yeah, I've always had a crush on her from the minute we met." "Did you ever tell her?" Finn asked. "Nope, never! I didn't want to do anything that could ruin the relationship we already have." "What about now? Would you say something now if you had the chance?" asked Damian. "If I'm being honest, I don't know. I would have to see if it's something she's into first." "Well Finn, Dom, and I have talked and if it's something she's interested in, then maybe she would want to join our relationship," Damian stated. "We'll have to see first for sure."

Kathrine's POV

"Well Finn, Dom, and I have talked and if it's something she's interested in, then maybe she would want to join our relationship." "We'll have to see first for sure." I heard Damian and Rhea say. Were they talking about me? "I think Kathrine might but it's something new for her. We'd have to start slow. We can't just rush it" I heard Finn say. They were talking about me! Do they want me part of their relationship? I mean, I've always found all 4 of them extremely attractive! Oh shut up me! You had a crush on all of them before you left! Am I interested in this? I can't think about that right now! Just focus on work!

I knocked on The Judgement Day's dressing room door. Dominik opened the door and let me in. "You guys ready to head back?" I asked the group. "Yup, just been waiting on you mariposa!" "Alrighty then! Caleb is waiting for us! Oh if we're gonna be drinking again, let's not drink so much like we did last time." "I think we can all agree with you on that one, love," said Rhea. Rhea just called me love! She's never called me that before! With Rhea and Finn calling me love, Damian calling me Mariposa, and Dominik calling me Hermosa, I can't help but smile at those nicknames! I feel my heart skip a beat when they call me those names. Oh shit! Am I falling in love with them?

As soon as we all got back to the hotel, we all changed into our pajamas. We wanted to watch a bunch of different movies, so we met up in the theater room! We spent the night watching movies and drinking but not as much as last time. When we all felt tired, we walked to the kitchen to put away our dirty dishes from the night. "Ok, we'll I'm gonna head to bed. Night guys!" Just as I was about to turn around, Rhea gently grabbed my arm stopping me. "Wait! Do you maybe wanna come fall asleep with us again?" I looked around at all of them. They looked like they wanted me to say yes. I thought back to what I had overheard earlier in the night. I don't mind! Let's see how long it takes them to say something to me. "Sure! I just need to plug my phone in, make sure my laptop is charging, and grab some water. I get thirsty when I first wake up." "I'll take care of your phone and laptop" "And I'll get you some water!" said Finn and Damian. "You guys sure? I can do it myself." "Nah I don't mind." "Plus you look really tired love. Go get comfy!"

Rhea, Dominik, and I walked to the master bedroom with Damian close behind. I sat down on the bed getting ready to take off my UGGs when Dominik stepped in and took them off for me! I felt my heart do backflips. Get a grip, Kathrine! They're just being nice and wanting to help since you look like you're about to pass out. I climbed to the middle of the bed and laid down. Rhea joined me to my left as did Dominik. Damian flopped next to me on my right and Finn joined him. "Hey, what are you doing next week?" Rhea asked me. "I do have one thing to do in Florida next week for WWE but other than that, I'm free!" "Wanna stay at our place next week? You'd get to see the dogs again!" "Sure! I've missed them!". The 5 of us smiled and happily went to sleep. 

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was boring! I promise I'm getting to the good stuff! Chapter 6 should be posted in the next couple of days! Until then, I hope y'all are enjoying the story and I'll talk to y'all in chapter 6!!

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