Little One

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Isabella and Damon

Daddy kink | MxF | Dominate & Submissive | Impact play | Age Play

Isabella is sweet, don't be complaining about her. I love the sweet girl.

Isabella's POV

"Come on, we're home." I lean against the warm hand that brushes against my cheek and hum, closing my eyes tighter.
"Isabella... I guess you won't get any ice cream when we get inside." My eyes open immediately and I look at Damon while pouting.

"I want some! But I'm tired still. " I hear Damon let out a sigh as he caresses my face for a moment longer.

He opens his door and then shuts it. I feel a wave of sadness wash over me, oh no, he's mad at me.

I look down at my hands and begin to softly sniffle, but then my side of the door opens.

Damon's eyebrows scrunch together when he notices my watery eyes.

"Little one, don't cry. I was only going to do this." He wipes his thumb underneath my eye, making the tear that fell down my cheek vanish.

Suddenly Damon scoops me up into his arms and carries me out, he shuts the car door with his foot and now we're both on our way to his front door.

As I wrap my arms around Damon's neck I look up at him and ask "Can I still have ice cream?"

He looks down at me and smiles "Of course, you can, little one, and then you can go back to sleep. After all your nap was cut short in the car."

We get through the front door and Damon sets me down in one of the island chairs, while he scoops me a bowl of ice cream.

I quickly finish it and I look at Damon "Yummy!

Can I have more, please?" I push the small bowl to Damon.

"No more, little one. It's time for bed." I pout and cross my arms.

"I'm not tired anymore and want more ice cream." Damon turns around to face me and gives me a serious look.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" He asks intimidatingly.

"Do I have to repeat myself? I don't want to sleep anymore!" I throw his words back at him and hop out of the chair so I can pull out the tub of ice cream to scoop another bowl for me.
Before I open the tub Damon spins me around to face him and boy, he gives me one scary look.

"Go up to your bedroom, and sleep, now."

"Fine!" I yell. I pull myself out of his arms and walk up the stairs to my room.
I hear Damon's footsteps behind me. I walk into my room and before he can follow me in, I slam the door in front of his face.

I jump into my bed and get under the covers.

When I hear my door open, I already know Damon is fuming with anger, I don't even have to look at him to know.
"Sit up." He says firmly.

I end up listening to him, but I avoid looking at him at all costs.

"You will go to sleep and when you wake up you will walk to my office to receive your punishment." Punishment? Is he joking right now?!

"B-But I didn't do anything wrong!" I fight back.

"Sleep." Damon pulls the covers up for me, but I push them back down.
"No! I don't want to go to bed, no, no, no! I'm a big girl and I can make my own choices." I yell back at him.

"If you are such a big girl then you would know how to listen, but since you cannot, we can begin your punishment sooner." I let out a gasp when Damon pull me over his lap.

He roughly pushes me down and flips up the end of my skirt, I shift around, but all I can move is my lower body.

My ass starts to shift against his forearm that holds me down, I stop moving when a feel a sharp sting on my right ass cheek.
"If you keep moving, I'll be adding more spankings." When I stop, I feel the back of Damon's hand drag over my ass and then between both of them.

"What is your safe word?"

"Pink" I whisper.

"Good, I'm going to give you twenty-five spankings. You count each one, and what will you say after?" Damon's voice is harsh

"Twenty-five! Noooo. That's too much!" I whine, I feel a sharp pull at my hair and Damon looks at me with a 'don't mess with me' look.

I quickly throw away my attitude and respond to his question "I will say 'thank you, daddy'" I say quietly.

"I can't hear you, little one."

This time I say it a little louder and I hear Damon hum in acceptance.

"AH!" I scream out when the first slap comes.

God, it fucking stings, twenty five is going to kill me.

"What did I tell you to say? Making me repeat myself-" He scoffs.

"Apparently you aren't learning your lesson, so I'm adding two more."

"B-but that's not fair, I wasn't ready!"


"OWW! One, thank you, daddy." I whimper out.


"'Two, thank you, daddy." Damon slides his finger between my wet folds teasing me.

And then another "Three! Oh, thank you, daddy.

I finally make it to twelve and my ass is burning, I'm sure it's red and marked a bunch with Damon's handprint.

"Where is that attitude of yours now? Hmm?"

I jump when another sting comes "Thirteen, thank you, daddy. Ouch."

"When I tell you something I expect you to listen, but you are being a little brat. This is what a brat like you deserves!" Damon bites out.

"I'm sorry, daddy." Damon just scoffs and shakes his head at me.

"You're not getting out of this one, lift your ass up higher."

"You're not getting out of this one, lift your ass up higher."

Damon slaps start to happen at a rapid speed and I can barely keep up with what number we're at, but there is no way I am getting two more slaps added.

"Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, thank you, daddy, thank you." I count quickly, hoping that I'm at the correct number.

"Tell me, what have you learned?" He asks me.

Tears start to fall down my face and my words are being caught in my hiccups. "I-I wasn't listening to d-daddy when he told me to go to s-sleep, I was being mean, and wanted more ice cream when daddy said n-no more."

"That's right if you listened to daddy you would not be having a punishment, right? Little one?"

"Mhm," I whimper out.


"Yes, daddy." I knew he looking for a verbal answer.

"Now be a good girl and take the rest of your spankings." And I do, I take the twenty-five and the other two that Damon added in.

Damon rubs my ass softly and begins to murmur sweet things in my ear. "Sshh, you did very well, little one."

Damon lifts me up slowly he brushes away my hair that covers a part of my face and gives me a soft kiss. "Here, lay on your stomach."

He reaches over to grab the cream and lightly applies it over my red-stained ass.

"Oww." I sniffle, but Damon quickly comforts me, by holding me tightly to his chest.

"I'm really, really sorry, daddy, I promise I'll be a good girl," I tell him.

"I know." He places a kiss on top of my forehead and I melt against him.

"Now close your eyes and sleep, Isabella." Damon moves off the bed and pulls the covers up and tucks me in.

"Ok, daddy, thank you." I rub my eyes and I quickly feel myself drift off.

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