Happy Birthday

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Hendrix and Quinn

MxF | Female Dom | Boyfriend and Girlfriend | Bondage | Blind Fold | Teasing

Quinn's POV

"Do you love it?" I ask Hendrix. He looks at the watch and hoodie that gifted him with genuine happiness.

"Of course, I love it, Quinn." He leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I got one more gift for you, but it's in my closet." I run to the small room and quickly take off my dress.

The lingerie I wear is straps all over my body. It's also in Hendrix's favorite color, green. There is also a large bow on the back that barely covers my ass, of course, it wouldn't be a birthday present if he weren't to unwrap something.

"Quinn? Did you misplace the gift?" Hendrix yells from the bedroom. Nope, I just needed a little time.

I take a deep breath before walking out of the closet.

Take the lead. Be in charge.

"Shit" I hear him mutter, I give him a shy smile at his lack of words.

"Take a look in that box in the corner" Hendrix rushes over and his eyes widen when he sees what I planned for him tonight.

I walk closer to him, my heels clicking against the tile with each step. I reach into the box and pull out a fuzzy pair of handcuffs.

I grab his face with one hand, and I press my lips against his. Once we were closer to the bed I pushed him harshly onto the sheets and climbed on top of him.

My lips suck onto his neck leaving my mark on his skin. Beautiful.

His hands reach out and squeeze my ass, but I immediately pull my lips away from him and push his shoulders down.

"Keep your hands to yourself," I tell him.

"Of course..." He says. I go back to his neck and continue what I was doing before.

"Not" He whispers. Hendrix's hands lay over my ass again giving it another squeeze.

I push him again and he lies back surprised.

"Hands" I demand. Hendrix gives me a shocking smile and happily raises his hands for me.

After the cuffs are securely on his wrists I move them right on top of his head and tell him "Leave them there."

He gives me a short nod. I begin to unbutton his shirt and Hendrix's eyes just can't help but stare directly at my tits that are barely covered.

I move down his body and pull off his pants and boxers to reveal his large cock leaking with pre-come.

I give it one small lick making him shift from underneath me.

"God, you look so fucking hot." I smile at his comment and turn myself around so that he is receiving a full view of my ass.

I spread my legs wider and lean forward, making my chest press against the bed. I hear Hendrix take in a deep breath when he sees my holes and how soaked I am just for him.

I hear the handcuffs rattle and quickly turn my head around shooting him a look. I silently give him a look that says to not move his hands.

Hendrix resists from touching me while I continue to tease him with my ass inches away.

"Quinn, stop playing around. Take off the lingerie already." He tells me.

I turn back to face him again and seductively whisper "You are not the one in charge here" I reach over to the nightstand and pull out a blindfold from the box I gave him.

"And just for trying to tell me what to do, I'm going to take another one of your senses away." I place the blindfold gently over Hendrix's eyes.

I purposefully press my tits against his face making him take another deep breath in. Now that the blindfold is in place I graze my nails over his chest and down his stomach till it drags across the length of his cock.

His cock twitches making me smile. Hendrix shudders when I grab the base of his cock and slide it on the outside of my pussy. I continue to do that until I hear him groaning out loud.

"Baby, please put it in." Even though he can't see I shake my head no.

I lay his cock back down on his stomach and I slowly start to place myself along his length. I move my hips in a torturing slow pace along him.

I place my hands on his chest pushing myself more, dragging my arousal all over him.

I moan out "Fuck, mmm, yes. I love getting all wet for you" I love this too much. Maybe I'll take charge more often.

"I'm begging you, Quinn, I want your pussy wrapped around me."

"This is your only wish birthday boy." I slide myself down onto his cock and with both let out a gasp when he is fully inside me.

I repeat my movements on him from before while throwing my head back and touching my tits.

I slide off his blindfold and Hendrix blinks a few times to get used to the lighting again. I quickly bring my lips to his and kiss him feverishly.

I stop moving my hips and Hendrix murmurs to me "I can never get enough of you"

"Me either," I say back.

Hendrix lets out another groan "Dammit Quinn if you keep squeezing me I'm going to come sooner than expected."

I didn't realize that my pussy was wrapping tighter and tighter around him. I give Hendrix a devilish smile.

"Oh, don't you dare do- holy shit!" After purposely squeezing around him again I laugh at his split reactions.

"Seriously. Quinn." I do it once more and suddenly I feel warmth shooting right inside me.

It unexpectedly made me come right on the spot. I then grab Hendrix's arms as I come back down into reality and ride out the rest of my orgasm.

"Well, I didn't see that coming," I tell him. We both let out a breathless laugh.

I reach up to grab his handcuffed wrists and unlock the cuffs freeing his hands. Of course, his hands go straight to my ass holding me in place on top of him.

"Best birthday gift ever. I can't wait for my next birthday." Hendrix's hand tangles into my hair as he pushes my head down to give him another kiss.


I've been feeling inspired to write more lately. I literally wrote five one-shot chapters in a day! I think watching Anne of Green Gables inspired me, by all means, Anne is a professional and amazing writer and would NEVER write this filth, but my point still stands. Watching the show again made me inspired to write again. Love y'all. 

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