Mafia Love

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Vincent and Kayla

MxW | Kidnapping | Detective x Mafia leader

Vincent's POV

I brush away a strand of her hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear. Kayla's body stirs against the couch cushions. 

She was so cute trying to take me into the police station, but I can't let that happen. Luckily knocking Kayla out was easy enough.

Her eyes flutter open and she lets out a small gasp moving away from my hand. 

She tries to push me away, but Kayla soon realizes that her hands are handcuffed. "Vincent! Get these off of me!" 

"You were trying to get those on me yesterday evening, but I think it looks better on you actually" I smirk down at her. 

This cat-and-mouse game we've been playing has been going on for a year already. Kayla, trying to track me down and me, always finding an escape. 

"You know this is considered kidnapping?" She says out of breath, I let out a small laugh. 

"I think I'm familiar with that word, but go ahead and tell me the definition." I could've killed Kayla months ago if I wanted to, but how can I when I have a stunning blonde-haired woman trying to kill me?

"When I get out of these cuffs, I will fucking kill you" Well doesn't that sound lovely.

"Kayla you and I both know we could've killed each other by now. Is that really what you want?" I ask her. 

"Ye-" I quickly cut off her sentence. 

I lean down closer to her "Really think about what your answer is, Kayla." 

"What are you-" I press my lips against hers. Come on kiss me back.

Kayla finally pushes her lips back against mine and with her handcuffed hands she wraps them around my neck, pulling me down to her. 

My hands start to slide under her top slowly pulling it off of her. With her hands still cuffed she tries to fumble with my belt. So needy. 

"Why are we rushing? It's not like you're going to take me in" After pulling off my shirt my lips make my way down to her neck. 

"This is- fuck!- this is insane." I smile as she stumbles over her words. "And stop smiling, I can feel it." 

She can't even deny that she wants this. Maybe more than I do. 

I quickly unclasp her bra, and catch her gasp with another kiss. My hands move along her waist sliding up to touch her soft breast. 

Everything about her is perfection. I hear her saying something but, god her lips. I groan against them when she starts pulling at my hair, I move quickly and move my head away when I feel a sharp pain against my lips. She just bit me.

I slide the pad of my thumb against my lips while looking at her with confusion. Yep, she definitely drew some blood. 

"What? Don't look at me like that, I kept trying to tell you to get these off of me. You're obviously to caught up." Kayla shows me her cuffed wrist and gives me a devilish smile. 

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