My Boy

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Katherine and Asher

MxF | Female Dom | Male Sub |

Katherine's POV

Asher and I sit on the bed after our long day. I comfortably lay my head on top of Asher's shoulder as we watch the movie play, but god I can't watch this anymore. I'm starting to get bored of it.

"Asher, baby" When I lift my head I'm met with a pair wide eyes.

"Katherine?" He whispers to me.

"This movie is getting boring don't you think?" I ask, while tracing my finger along the tattoo on his arm.

"I mean, um I guess. What else do you want to do?" He slowly asks me and god, I love how nervous I make this man.

"I wanted to ask..." I place one of my hands on his shoulder and bring one my legs over his and straddle him.

I lean towards his ear and whisper "Do I make you nervous, Asher?" I pull back to look at him and notice him taking a small breath, he then slowly nods his head at me.

I run my fingers through his hair and question him "Words?"

He quickly tells me "Of course, you make me nervous. You're the most stunning woman I ever met, I'm always going to be nervous around you, Katherine." Good answer.

I start to pull off the t-shirt that I was wearing and I immediately feel Asher's cock harden underneath me.

I see his hands about to grab my waist at the corner of my eye. "Drop your hands," I tell him sternly and Asher listens to my command bringing his hands back down onto the comforter.

I notice them flex, as if he is having a hard time keeping his hands off of me.

I drag my hand along the bottom of his shirt and slowly pull it over his head. My fingers graze against his skin causing Asher to shiver beneath me.

I begin to give light kisses along his neck. He closes his eyes and leans his head to the side allowing me to kiss more of his soft skin.

"Can I touch you now... please." Asher groans out.

"Mmm mm" I grumble out a no as I continue my torturing kisses.

Asher thinks he is so sneaky, but immediately feel his lower body move, trying to create friction between me and his hard cock.

I instantly pull my lips away and I get an annoyed sigh from him. I grab his chin and make him look at my eyes "Did I tell you, you could move?"

"No, but I can't wait any longer. I need to be inside of you." My baby is so cute when he is desperate.

"Fine" His eyes widen at my answer. Asher eagerly pulls off his sweatpants, but I quickly place my hands over his when he starts to bring down his boxers.

"Let me" He nods his head at my response. I lower myself between his legs and very slowly pull down his boxers.

Asher's cock comes right out showing how painfully hard he is. I look up at him through my lashes and notice him pressing his lips tightly together.

"That looks like it really hurts." I teasingly say he lets out a pained groan, making me smile.

I swipe my thumb over his tip, picking up a drop of his pre-cum. I look at Asher in the eyes and stick out my tongue and slide my thumb across the wet flesh.

Asher's breathing quickly picks up at my action.

I grab onto his dick and scoot myself closer to him until I am hovering over his thighs.

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