School Girl

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Carlos Silva & Vanessa Campbell

Professor × Student | MxF | Role-Play | Impact Play

Vanessa's POV

I take a look at my small top and adjust it a bit, this top a way too small on my chest. My boobs are practically flowing out, good thing I'm doing laundry today.

As papers go around I look and see
disappointed faces from other students and groans, I even hear a girl crying. Shit.
Professor Silva is a challenging class to pass, everyone says so and they aren't lying, but they also aren't lying when they say he's the best looking professor on the campus either.

As I wait a little longer I continue to chew on my gum and realize that my lips feel a bit dry so I decide to put on some lip gloss.

In the middle of applying the gloss a packet of papers fell in front of me.

I look at the paper and my eyes widen at the words in front of me.

42. Miss Campbell, come see me after class.

I immediately look up and Professor Silva and notice that he gives me a look of disappointment, his eyes then drift down to my lips for a moment.

And I thought I imagined it for a second until I heard him say "Miss Campbell maybe if you cared about your grades as much you care about your lips you might be doing better in this class"

Oh, how dare he! "Well, Professor Silva if you perhaps taught us better lessons then maybe one of us could pass your class"

He continues to look at me and now we're just stuck in a staring contest. "Class is dismissed, Miss Campbell, I will need to speak with you," he says to me.

I roll my eyes. As the class starts to empty out I make my way over to his desk and lean against it.

"I don't appreciate you speaking out in the middle of class, I understand that you are not pleased with your grade so I will give you this one chance. I am available tomorrow after class." He says in a serious tone.

"Available for what?" I question.

"For you to have a re-take of course. Unless you're thinking of something else" He smirks.

Okayyyy. That definitely sounded...odd. I shake away my thoughts "Yes...right. Of course." With that, I leave his classroom.


So instead of going to class the next day. I decide to put on the cutest schoolgirl lingerie that I own.

Maybe there is another way to bump up my grade.

I ended up going to his classroom since class ended not too long ago.

I notice how good he looks in his dark blue button-up and the tie around his neck.

Right, when I walk in I lock the door and Professor Silva's head pops up. I immediately notice his jaw tighten. "Miss Campbell, you weren't in class today...
' he says while looking me up and down.

I know that he is wondering what I'm wearing under my coat.

"No, I didn't, I just had a feeling that I wasn't going to learn anything," I say teasingly.

"Maybe it would be better if I gave you a one-on-one lesson?" He asks me. We both know exactly what's going to happen.

"Perfect idea, do you have one in mind?" I bat my eyelashes at him and place one hand on the desk leaning across it while looking into his brown eyes.

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