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Nash & Delilah

MxF | Photography | Praise Kink

Delilah's POV

I can't believe that I am going into Nash's apartment. We've always stayed at my place or just hung out at someone else's. 

Right when the elevator opened we walked towards a door. He pulls the key out of his pocket and with a soft click the door is unlocked. 

He turns the doorknob and, wow, I think I know why he hadn't shown me his apartment until now. This place must have cost a fortune, how the hell? 

Nash must see my shocked face because his words come out in a rush "I know it can be a lot. I only wanted to show my place to someone I truly care about and I care about you." 

As I continue to be shocked I see photos of his family and friends, some funny photos with his younger siblings. "Yeah, it is a lot, but I understand and you know that you mean a lot to me too," I tell him. 

"But I have to say, for someone who cares a lot about me, I don't see a single photo of us or me in this apartment." I jokingly say. I turn around and smile at Nash.

"Well- I guess, I'm sorr-" Nash stumbles over his words as I start to trail kisses up his neck. 

"Would you like some photos of me?" I murmur against his skin.

"Fuck. Of course I do, how could I say no." Nash wastes no time, he quickly grabs the bottom hem of my dress and pulls it over me. 

I stand still in my red lingerie set as Nash's eyes look up and down at me. "You wanna grab your phone?" I ask him pulling him away from whatever he might have been thinking about. 

He quickly reaches for his phone as I push my breasts close together. 

One click goes off and I can hear Nash's heavy breathing in the quiet space.

"Happy?" I ask him. 

He simply shakes his head no "Not even close. Be a good girl and turn around." 

I slowly turn around and push my ass a little. 

Another click goes off. 

"Take off your bra and then look at me." I reach back and unhook the clasps letting my breasts be free. 

I turn again and Nash's eyes are filled with hunger. I give him a small smile when he takes another picture of me. 

I start to look down and as I do my eyes narrow on the tent in his pants. 

My hand wraps around the bulge. I start to slide my hand against his length "Damn, get on your knees for me Delilah" He whispers. 

When my knees hit the ground I instantly start to fumble with Nash's belt. 

Nash's fingers slide underneath my chin tilting my head up towards him. "If only you could see how beautiful you look on your knees for me." If my pussy wasn't dripping wet yet, it sure is now. 

"Go on, be a good girl, and show me how well you can suck off my cock." He didn't have to tell me twice. 

I slide his cock into my mouth and start at a slow pace. 

"Look up at me" With Nash's cock still in my mouth I look up at him through my lashes. Click. 

I start to smile and then I hear him take another picture. 

I start to quicken my pace, my tongue slides all over his cock leaving a dripping mess. 

Nash tries to remain focused on the scene in front of him, but I can see he is coming close. "There you go baby, just like that." 

I moan around his cock at his praise. "You're doing so good. I'm going to come in that pretty mouth yours, you want that Delilah?" He asks breathlessly. 

I place my hands over his cock now, moving my hands up and down at a quick speed. "You know I want that. Come all over my tongue." I tell Nash. 

I open my mouth again and right when I feel his cock pulsing around my hand I place my mouth over his tip sucking up every single drop of his come. 

When Nash catches his breath the pad of his thumb presses down lightly on my bottom lip. "Open" I listen to his simple command.


I swallow the rest after he gets the picture and smile innocently at him. "My good girl." 

It is currently July, which basically means classes are about to start... I'm going to cry.

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