Car Ride

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Jax and Iris

Car Sex | M×F | boyfriend and girlfriend | overstimulation

Iris's POV

Jax and I just left our date and I know exactly what happens when we get back to his apartment, but honestly, I don't know how much longer I can wait.

Throughout our whole meal, Jax was touching and teasing me all over, and now I'm all hot and bothered.

I'm so horny and I'm not even eased when we start our car ride to his place, Jax currently has his large hand on my upper thigh and I'm basically begging for him to move his hand up higher.

I have to look out of my window to avoid looking at his strong grip on the steering wheel.

"Is everything alright?" Jax asks me. NO, nothing is ALRIGHT!

I nod my head.

"Iris, words, I need to hear you." He demands.

I roll my eyes "Yes, I'm alright" Me being needy equals having an attitude.

"Don't lie to me now." I would die of embarrassment if I were to say it out loud, so I decided to not respond to him.

"Answer me, or when you get back to my place your ass will be red raw" I gulp, god he is not helping by putting that image in my head.

"I'm asking you one last time, are you alright?

And do not lie or else someone will be needed to be taught a lesson."

'I'm not lying! I'm perfectly fine, I already said

So Jax!" I yell.

"Pull down your underwear." My eyes widen and I turn over to look at him, but his eyes look at the road.

"NOW" I gulp.

When I don't make any movements he brings his hand that was on my thigh underneath my thin sundress.

I let out a small gasp.

"Where the hell is your underwear?" A blush takes over my face.

"I decided to not wear any, I know what goes down tonight, and besides you're ripping up all of my nice underwear, I only have a few left!"

His jaw clenches and I know for a fact that Jax

is angry.

"You need to stop with your fucking attitude."

He grits out. "And you need to stop telling me what to do" I fire back.

"The only time you're ever like this is when your horny, is it so hard to ask for what you want, hmm?"


Jax slides his hand on my inner thigh and finally, two fingers are inside my pussy.

I immediately moan out loud when his fingers move quicker.

I throw my head back against the headrest and spread my legs further for him.

"You and your goddamn attitude." More moans leave my mouth and I become a panting mess.

"Ah, Jax.

"Is this what you wanted? Huh?"

"You just couldn't wait until we got home, could you?"

Both of my hands grab onto his wrist, holding his arm in place, I begin to move my waist quickly taking his fingers inside me deeper.

"Look at yourself, so desperate that you're riding my fingers.

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