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Elija and Sofia

Elevator sex | MxF | Working enemies |

Sofia's POV

Finally, this day is coming to an end I swear to god Elija makes my job more difficult by the day. We are always competing about who will give the next best idea to the company and he really can be a pain in my ass, by kicking my ideas to the curb.

I walk into the elevator and right as it is about to close I hear someone yell out "Hold the doors!" instinctively I pressed the button to keep the door open.

"Thanks." Dammit. Of course, it has to be him.

"Should've just let the fucking door shut." Elija looks up at me and now we both share an angry glance.

"Would've taken the stairs if I knew you were in here." I roll my eyes at him.

He scoffs.

"Please, don't be dramatic we're thirty stories up." The doors finally close and the elevator numbers start to tick down.

"God these shoes are killing me" I murmur as I begin to lean on my other leg. I wobble as I try to take off my heel.

I hear Elija sigh and then suddenly he is kneeling in front of me. "W-what are you doing?" I question him.

"Obviously you are struggling" His hand slides against my ankle as he starts to unstrap my heel.

"I can do it just fin-" My sentence gets cut off when the heel is off my feet. Amazing.

I decide to shut up for this moment while Elija lifts my other leg. I let out a small gasp when I feel his soft lips placing kisses up against my ankle.

As I look down I'm already met with his eyes looking up at me.

And then the heel slips off my feet into his hands. He begins to stand up, but he holds onto my waist as I gain back my balance.

"Better?" I take a deep breath smelling his cologne I quickly reply with a breathy yes.

God, I am embarrassing.

Elija's hand shoots over to the elevator buttons, and suddenly we come to a stop.

"Are we going to stop playing this game yet?"

He asks me. Was he this close to me before?

"I don't know what you're talking about" I look over at the elevator buttons, but before I can think of an escape, Elija's fingers slide at the bottom of my cheek turning my face towards him.

He leans in closer to me and whispers against my ear "I think you do, sweetheart. Just give in.

This one time."

"And if I do? Do I get to deliver the next pitch" He lets out a short laugh against my neck.

"That's a hard pass, Sofia." Instead of fighting back, I let out a quiet moan as his lips connected with my neck.

He pushes me against the elevator wall and hikes up my skirt. I naturally wrap one leg around him as he continues to kiss me along my

chest. My hand slides into his hair lightly pulling causing Elija to let a hot groan.

My hand moves away from his hair and starts to fumble with his buttons. I finally get his whole shirt unbuttoned and Elija's lips don't leave me for a second as he pulls his shirt off.

Fuck. He looks good.

I move on to his pants and try to unbuckle his belt. He lets out a laugh against my skin. "Eager to see all of me, hm?"

"Shut up and keep kissing me," I say breathlessly.

Elija proceeds with what he is doing, but he now slides his hand underneath my blouse. His hand glides over the cups of the bra.

Before I can see it coming Elija pulls off my top.

"Blue looks perfect on you." Of course, he comments on my bra color.

"You think your cock will look good between them?" I smile while pushing my girls close together, he raises his eyebrows. Oh, he is imagining it.

"Perfect actually." My lips are on his now, making my whole world turn.

Elija flips me around to where my chest is now pushed against the wall. I purposefully stick my ass out for him and when I feel his growing length against me I press back harder and move my butt against him.

Elija grabs onto my waist firmly making my movements stop. "If you keep doing that I'm going to come in my pants."

"Maybe that's the goal," I say back.

1 jolt forward when I feel a strong slap against my ass cheek "I had no idea that you would be such a minx, Sofia. I definitely like this side of you more."

I feel him pull my underwear to the side. His fingers slip against my pussy lips, messing with my wetness. "You are fucking soaked, perfectly ready for me." He keeps rubbing against my clit making me let out a string of moans.

Elija then pushes inside me, pounding into me relentlessly.

"Oh my god! YES, Elij-a" I'm completely out of breath.

"Yes? Harder? Faster?" He asks me. I just let out a loud yell at his questions.

"I can do both" His one hand wraps around my neck making me look up at the ceiling. His other hand stays firmly on my ass as he pushes in and out of me.

"I'm coming!" I yell out. My whole body shakes as I come down from my high.

Elija pulls out of me and makes me face him again, but this pushes me down so that I am now on my knees looking at him.

My chest moves up and down quickly as I try to catch my breath. "Now, you said my cock would look good right between here?" I smirk at his question.

His dick slides between my breast, as I grab onto my bra cups pushing my tits close together.

I innocently look up at him and see his eyes connecting with my own as his mouth is left slightly open.

"Fuck!" I begin to move my breast up and down against him and he is so close I can see how desperate he looks at me.

"Open" That's all he has to say for me to open my mouth wide for him.

His come spurts out all over my chest, I continue to push my chest tighter together making sure all of Elija's come is on me.

As he moves away from me I push my tits up and lick up some of his come from my chest and swallow it.

His come spurts out all over my chest, I continue to push my chest tighter together making sure all of Elija's come is on me.

His eyes turn dark at my actions. "You, Sofia are not what I expected at all." His thumb guides more of his come toward my mouth, making me suck on his thumb until a got every lost drop of him.

We get dressed back up again and Elija presses the button for the elevator to resume its descent. "So I'm pretty sure I get to have that pitch now," I tell him.

"I have no clue what you are talking about"

"I might have to refresh your memory then."

"You just might have to." He says with a devilish grin.

FINALLY, I completed this one!

Wattpad did some crazy shit and decided to DELETE my One Shot story so it quite literally POOFED. Luckily I was able to save the published ones, but sadly the ones that were sitting in my drafts disappeared and I truly didn't have the motivation to think and REWRITE another hawt ass smut scene. But I gained motivation now, so I better use as much of it while it lasts.

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