I'm a Good Girl Officer

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Grayson and Naomi Montgomery

MxF | Role-play (Police) | Husband and Wife | Bondage |

Naomi's POV

"Naomi." I hear Grayson call my name as he enters our bathroom. Grayson is almost done getting dressed and ready for his afternoon shift.

I walk out of my closet to grab a pair of my heels. "Yes, Grayson?"

I notice Grayson does a double take at me when he sees the navy blue lingerie I wear.

"Now hang on. You can't just pass by me wearing that." I look over my shoulder and let out a small laugh. I start to slide on each heel and walk back over to my closet.

"Where are you going with that on? Naomi? When did you even get this?" He questions me.

"Officer Montgomery your shift hasn't started yet, stop asking so many questions," I told him playfully.

"I'm not being arrested so there isn't a need for me to answer all that." Grayson looks at me confused.

And then it clicks for him. "I need you to put your hands behind your back Miss Naomi." I smile silently and listen to what I'm told to do.

Grayson places the handcuffs over my wrist with a soft click on each side.

He presses his front against my back and whispers to me "Now, are you going to tell me where you are going with very little clothing on?"

"Just walk around the house, that's all. I don't believe that is a crime officer. Unless..." With Grayson being so close to me I was able to reach back and run my hands over his cock, even with my hands bound together.

"Making an officer have a hard-on counts as a crime?"

"Sure does."

I'm then pushed down to our bed. Grayson leans down on top of me and one of his hands slides over my ass cheek and squeezes it tightly.

"You are definitely going to make me late for work." I let out a smile at his comment.


A sharp sting is left on my ass and I'm pretty sure a red handprint is too. "Let's make it worth it, hmm?" He asks me.

"Yes." I simply say.

Grayson pulls down my underwear and spreads my folds. I let out a gasp when I feel his tongue sliding inside of me. I began to push myself against him, but I was given another harsh slap.

"Don't move. Just lay there and enjoy." His tongue starts to swirl around my clit and let out a moan.

"Grayson" I hold onto the covers tightly making sure that I don't move.

He spreads my ass cheeks and continues to glide his wet tongue all over me.

Fuck. I'm going to come.

Grayson pulls away from me and I realize that I said that out loud.

"I want you to come on my cock, so lift that ass up for me." I roll my eyes at the loss my orgasm.

I seem to move too slowly because Grayson is grabbing at my hips and pulling my ass up himself.

I hear him pull off his pants and suddenly I feel him pushing himself inside me. He starts with a slow thrust but then pushes harder and faster inside me.

My heels start to fall off of my feet at how fast he pushes in and out of me.

"FUCK! Grayson, slo-w" He grabs onto my handcuffed wrist and pulls, making me meet every single one of his thrusts.

We both turn our heads when we hear the sound of his phone going off.

"Yes?" He fucking answered the call?

"Yeah just an emergency with my wife" He continues to push inside me.

I let out another moan. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Grayson telling me to be quiet.

He then mutes the call for a second and leans down to me "Unless you want someone to hear you moan?"

He gets back onto the call as I try to keep quiet.

"Don't worry I'll be there soon. Okay, bye" He hangs up and slaps my ass.

"You feel so good around my cock, Naomi" He moves against me faster and faster.

"Oh, oh, G-Grayson!"

"Fuck, come with me. Be a good girl and come with me." I come right as he does and fuck does it feel great.

"Shit, Naomi!" I feel Grayson filling me up with his warm come and a push back against him making sure to get every single drop inside me.

He pulls out and I am given another loud smack on each ass cheek. I moan out when I feel his come dripping out of me and sliding down my thigh.

Grayson's hand grazes against my thigh and I then feel his fingers push his come back inside me. I bite my lip at how sensitive I currently am.

He then flips me over and shows me his fingers which are filled with his come "Clean it." He tells me.

I lift my head and wrap my lips around his fingers. I swirl my tongue making sure to get every drop off his fingers. I then pull back and lay against the covers catching my breath.

Grayson flips me onto my side unlocking the handcuffs. He kisses me on the lips before pulling his pants back up "You just know how to make late for work again and again."

"Not my fault, of course," I tell him with a mischievous smile.

"When I come back home tell me what you want made for dinner and I'll give you exactly that, okay?" I smile back at him and nod.

"Hurry up and get to work Officer Montgomery" I laugh, throwing my head back against the bed and sighing contently.

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