Mile High Club

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Kai & Adalyn

Air plane sex | MxF | Strangers |

I don't know what first-class bathrooms are like, so just imagine they are clean and a bit bigger lol.

Adalyn's POV

After putting my bag in the designated area I plop into my seat, I close my eyes finally getting to rest after waking up so early this morning.

"Ma'am I am so sorry, I know that you bought this pager seat for yourself, but our first class got fully booked and this gentleman needs a seat... I promise we will refund your payment" The flight attendant says to me in a panicked voice.

Of course, I'm annoyed, but it quickly vanishes when I notice the gentleman that she is talking about.

He wears a black shirt that hugs his arm muscles and I can see a tattoo going up his arm stopping at his neck, I continue looking at him and the shirt makes it very easy to see his abs.

I looked down and noticed that he also wears dark blue jeans, which look really good. I take a moment to look at his face and notice his sharp jawline and brown eyes.

I mean I'll get my refund.

"Alright then. I have no problem, the seat is all yours-" I drag out the word leaving to say his name.

"Kai. Also thank you - " He places his bag next to him and he really looks at me because I notice his eyes roam all over my body.

I mean I'm only wearing leggings and a cropped hoodie. There is not much to look at but from his stares, I feel like he is undressing me.

"Adalyn," I say.

"Mmm," and my heart melts at that sound.

After our flight took off, I couldn't sit still any longer, I was dying for a release.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kai asks in a low voice.

"No, god no I'm not" I reply.

"Is there any way I can help?" He offers.

I would never ever be this bold...but "Yeah meet me in the bathroom in five" I say calmly.

His eyes widen, but his shock quickly turns into want.

As soon as I make it into the bathroom and shut the door, lean against the counter, and pull my tights down, my fingers start to make small circular motions around my clit.

I toss my head back and let out a small moan.

A loud noise makes me open my eyes and I realize that Kai just burst through the door.

"Already starting without me? Hmm, that's fine... you can make up for it later, love" He says deeply.

"Let me help out with that" He moves my fingers away from my clit and replaces them with his own, and oh dear god.

He swirls and pushes his fingers down lightly making me lurch forward, and bringing me closer to his body.

"Ohhhhh" My mouth is quickly covered and Kai gives me demanding eyes.

"Shhh, quiet now Adalyn, you don't want them to hear how much of a slut you are, do you?" I let out a muffled moan at his words.

"Unless that's something you do want?" His fingers start to move quickly and suddenly both of them are pushed inside me making me let out a loud gasp.

"Oh my god, Kaiiii!"

"Just like that! Fuck!" I yell. I look up for a moment and notice his lips curve up into a smile.

"YESSSSS" Kai's fingers finally make me reach my release.

We both breathe heavily and before I can't get a chance to react. Kai turns my body over making my stomach hit the counter and my ass rubs against his cock.

"Do you still want this, I need to hear you say it, love" Kai pulls back my hair.

"Yes, please" I reply.

As soon as give him my consent he yanks at my hair making me look forward, my eyes widen when I see a reflection of myself and Kai directly behind me.

His hand that gripped my hair, slides down to my neck, his hand wrapping tightly around.

"Then watch, Adalyn, you are going to love every second of this" His cheek presses against my own and he turns his head making our lips connect.

I hear his pants fall and I quickly pull off my top, revealing my dark blue bra.

I stiffen when I feel his cock rub against my ass, he then drags it against my pussy making me groan.

"Stop being a tease, Kai, just hurry up and-OH!" I'm shot forward when he pushes inside me harshly enough to make the both of us groan out loud.

"Don't rush me" he says demandingly.His thrust continued to go harder and quicker making me grip the counter.

"Look at you, look at how perfect you look, such a good girl, taking my cock." My mouth is left agape at his filthy words and how harshly he thrusts into me.

"The restroom is still occupied.. Hello?" I quickly stiffen when I hear the stranger knock on the door.

"Kai we should st-OH" My words are cut off as his fingers circle around my pussy.

"Hello? Do I need to get a flight attendant?" My eyes widen.

"Answer, their question carefully, love." He whispers to me while pulling my hair back and kissing all over my neck.

"Y-yes it is still occupied, I'll be out s-soon" I feel Kai's lips smile.

"Good, although, I don't think you'll be out anytime soon." He replies to me quietly.

I push myself against Kai and his hand grasps tightly onto my ass cheeks, his hand delivers a harsh slap, making me jump forward.

I let out a slight moan.

"Oh, Kai! I'm gonna come! Oh god" Right as I do Kai gives me one last pump inside me, I feel him fill me and I am in a complete daze.

He pulls away from me but keeps his hold around my waist, holding me up.
"You were perfect, Adalyn." I feel another on my ass.

I stand still and breathe heavily, I can feel myself dripping.

His cum is dripping down my thighs!
Kai's hand slides down between me swiping a little on his fingertips.

"So fucking hot" His fingers pass through my lips, making me suck his fingers and taste him in my mouth.

"HEY HURRY IT UP!" I silently laugh at the rough knocking on the door.

"Welcome to the mile-high club baby," I whisper in his ear.

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