Dance With Me

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Xavier, Scarlett, and Theo

Strangers | Threesome | MxMxF

Scarlett's POV

I finally dragged myself out of the house, I haven't been out in a while, but I guess now is the time. I small drink and a little bit of dancing sounds good tonight anyway.

1 head over to the bar and grab myself a few drinks. I'm about to pull out my purse and pay until the bartender pushes my money back towards me. I give him a confused look.

"See that man over there-" My eyes follow to where he points "He paid for your drinks already."

Oh, well then that's perfect. I decide to get up from the bar and join the dance floor now that I had a couple of drinks.

After a few minutes of dancing, I feel a pair of strong hands touch my waist. I smile softly when the person leans in and drags their lips against my neck.

"You look stunning," He says loud enough for me to hear over the pounding music.

"I know" I smile again leaning into his body.

"Did you enjoy your drinks?" My eyes widen for a moment. I finally look at the stranger in front of me and notice it was the guy from earlier.

"Yes, I did." Now that I am looking at him closer, I'm surprised that I didn't die earlier.

The stranger in front of me has dark skin with tattoos trailing up his arms and even though the room is dark I can see his blue eyes.

"You're the guy who paid for my drinks," I state. A

"Xavier, love"

We continue to dance against each other until I feel a firm body press against the back of me.

He smells of this amazing cologne and as I throw my head onto their shoulder I notice neck tattoos trailing up.

Xavier's hands begin to trail up my body while the stranger behind me places his hands on my waist, holding onto me firmly.

One of my hands wraps around their neck pulling them down to me.

"Really, Theo? You couldn't let me have my moment." The stranger who I now assume is Theo lets out a low chuckle at Xavier's comment.

"And let you have her all to yourself? Did you even ask for her name?" Theo questions.

A beat of silence goes by from Xavier's end and Theo makes a tsking sound "Shame. What's your name gorgeous." Theo asks me as we continue to sway to the beat of the music.

"I don't know about giving my name to strangers." I joke with him. Too bad Theo wasn't a fan of my joke.

I feel a sharp pull at my hair, causing me to toss my head back. "Your name. Don't make me ask again gorgeous."

"Scarlett." I let out a sigh when Xavier's hands dragged along my body and suddenly Theo's lips connecting with mine.

I feel Xavier's hands roam over to my ass, squeezing them tightly. Someone else wants attention.

Theo then comes by and begins to mess with the bottom of my bra.

Before either of them can get any further I pull away from both of them. The guys give me a confused look while I look at them with a smile.

"We should get going," I say to them and walk out of the building before they can say anything else.

Right as I pass through one of their apartment doors the guy's hands are all over me pulling my clothes in all different directions as I kiss them.

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