Through the Phone

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Selina & Zach

FxM | Phone Sex

Selina's POV

Hmm, which one?  This one for sure. Andddd send.

"Thinking about you" Perfect, now I'll just wait. 


That was quick. I look at my phone and immediately smile. 

I read Zach's text. Fuck, now you got me hard at work

I knew he would love this lingerie set.

I silently laugh to myself. My eyes widen when my phone starts to ring, shit, Zach is face timing me.

I pick up his call and I see him sitting in his office. Zach's rough voice comes through the call "What are you doing right now?" 

"Laying in our bed...umm thinking about you, about to touch myself. You know, all that stuff" I give him a cheeky smile. 

He lets out a small laugh "Well I'm on a small break, how about you tell me what you were going to think about while touching yourself?" He asks me.

Alright, fine I'll play along.  "Well, I would think about your cock pushing deep inside my wet pussy, your hands would slide all over my body and-" 

"Show me" Is he serious? His eyebrows raise as if he were telling me to start. 

Okay then. I place a pillow in front of me so that I can use it to prop up my phone. 

I pause for a second but the look on Zach's face starts to show impatience. 

I start to slide my fingers down my laced panties. My fingers begin to move in small circles around my clit.

"There you go Selina, move your panties to the side. Let me see how wet your pussy is." I would come to his filthy words alone. 

"Push those fingers deeper for me." I listen to his command and let out a loud moan.

"I want you to come for me. Think of my fingers in that tight pussy of yours." My fingers move quickly. I chase after my climax.

I finally reach the top and my chest rises up and down quickly. "Oh. My. God." I say out loud after catching my breath.

I look back at the screen and I notice Zach's arm is moving at a steady pace. He's jerking off. 

He smirks when he sees me looking back at the phone. He knows that I know what he is doing.

"I hope you don't think you're done. Go grab your toy." He says in a deep voice.

Zach knows that I keep a dildo in my nightstand. Every now and then he will use it on me, but I never used the dildo on myself. It just doesn't have the same effect if I were to do it myself.

I reach over and open the drawer. When I have the dildo in my hands Zach gives me a small nod.

The tip of the toy meets my entrance but I let out an annoyed moan. I need Zach to be here.

"Listen to my voice. I'm right here Selina. Think of my cock pushing inside you." He just knows the words I want to hear.

When the dildo is halfway in me I hear his voice again "Fuck, baby. Push it in deeper, there you go pull it back." I close my eyes and imagine him here with me.

"Good, now go faster." He tells me.

I close my eyes tighter and play with my breasts, squeezing them like Zach would. "What are you thinking about? Tell me." I hear him say.

"I-I'm thinking of your cock making me full and your hands touching me. I'm thinking of your voice whispering f-filthy things in my ear." I hear him breathing heavily through the phone.

"Yeah?" He groans out.

"Mhmm" I reply as I move the bottom half of my body against the dildo.

"I want you to look at the dildo pushing in and out of you." I look down and oh my god.

"Now you see how wet your pussy really is. Your juices are making a mess all over our comforters." Yeah, I definitely see that.

I keep my eyes on the dildo being squeezed around my pussy while letting out more loud moans.

"I'm going to come," I tell Zach.

"Hold it. Come when I tell you too." I let out another annoyed moan.

I have no clue how much longer I can wait. "I can't hold it anymore, Zach " I whine.

"I'm right there Selina. J-Just...Ugh, come. You can come now." I let go again and I let out a small scream.

Zach comes right after me, letting out a string of curses as he comes undone.

When we catch our breaths I'm the first to speak "Are you coming home soon?"

"Why? Do you want me to do everything for you this time?" He says confidently.

I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders, "Maybe. I'm only asking so I know how much time I have to touch myself again." I lightly laugh.

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