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Dominic & Scarlett

MxF | Husband and wife | Dom & Sub | BDSM

Dominic's POV

Scarlett isn't going to be happy I'm home an hour late. Hopefully, she will be a good girl and listen to what I told her yesterday.

I walk into our house and I'm met with silence. Weird, Scarlett is always playing music around the house.

I walk up to our bedroom silently and right as I'm about the reach for the door knob I hear a muffled cry.

"Ugh, please, Dominic. Dominic."

I don't know if I should be angry that she didn't listen to me or turned on that she is touching herself while imagining me.

I walk into the room quietly and I see Scarlett's eyes closed tightly and legs spread open as she presses the vibrator against her.

What a perfect sight. I think she senses that someone is watching her because she opens her eyes and lets out a sharp gasp.

I tsk at her when she doesn't stop the vibrator as soon as she sees me.

She actually keeps grinding against the toy.

Bad girl.

I walk over to the edge of the bed and pull the vibrator out of her hands. Scarlett lets out a pained moan when I take away her pleasure.

"I thought I would be coming home to a good girl today. I was going to reward her with anything she wanted. Clearly, you chose to be a bad girl and not listen to one rule I gave you." I tell her sternly.

"Well, you did come home an hour late." She tells me.

With her legs still wide open I deliver a harsh slap against her wet pussy. "That does not change the fact that you disobeyed me."

"What are you going to do about it, sir?" So this is the game she wants to play.

We immediately hop into the dominant and submissive role as she says that last word.

She lets out a gasp when my hand connects with her pussy again.

Before she can tell what is happening I turn on the vibrator to its highest speed and I press it firmly against her dripping cunt.

"OH!" She starts to close her legs but I slap her inner thigh to keep it wide open.

"I'm going to teach you a very good lesson about patience. Maybe I will tie your hands behind your back, perhaps keep this vibrator on and make you come uncontrollably while I get something to eat."

"I have plenty of ideas Scarlett."

"Please, sir" She moans out. She continues to thrash against the toy as I push it against her harder.

"Begging isn't going get you out of this punishment."

I pulled the vibrator away just as she was about to come. Scarlett lets out a frustrated groan.

I wrap my hand around her neck making her look up at me. "Go to the closet and grab the rope." Her eyes widen, either out of fear or excitement, I do not know. She rushes over to the closet and then back to me, handing them to me gently.

"Hands behind your back." She follows my instructions silently. As soon as I finish I take a seat on the bed and give her a sharp smack on her ass making her lean forward. I push her back down making her face press against soft comforters and her chest against my legs.

I lift up her dress and graze my hand over her wet folds. Scarlett lets out soft whimpers as my fingers continue to brush against her.

"This is mine, yes?"

"Yes, sir"

"Good, remember that." I quickly slap her pussy and begin to move my fingers in small quick circles over her clit.

"S-sir I'm going to come." My fingers pull away from her immediately, Scarlett groans out at the loss her high.

I lean my mouth over her ear and whisper "Bad girls don't get to come, you know that."

I denied her orgasms three more times after that. Making Scarlett let out multiple annoyed groans and screams.

"Dominic, please." I give her another sharp slap against her pussy.

She jolts forward and corrects herself. "Sir, please. I'm sorry sir."

I ignore her begging, instead, my fingers dive right into her pussy and back out. I move my fingers in circles again and this time Scarlett moves her hips against my fingers, silently begging me to fill her.

"Your pussy is dripping. A dirty slut, making a mess all over the bed." Her movements quicken.

"Are you close?" I ask her. Scarlett bites onto her lip and nods her head.

"Are you going to listen to me next time and stop being a bad girl?" Scarlett nods her head again.

"Let me hear you apologize," I tell her.

"I'm sorry, sir." I tsk at her and move my fingers away.

"Oh, Scarlett you can do better than that," I smirk.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you sir. I disobeyed your rules. I promise I'll stop being a bad girl." I smile and move my palm over her pussy and Scarlett continues pushing against my hand.

"There you go. Keep riding on my fingers, love." I watch her ass move as she leans forward and back against me.

"Can I come, sir?" She asks me quietly.

"What was that Scarlett?" I question her.

"Can I come, sir?" She says a little louder.

"Yes, let go." Scarlett lets out a scream as her body shakes when she comes.

I keep circling my fingers around her even after her high has ended "Sir-r. Mmm"

She twists out of my hold and looks up at me "Next time listen, understand."

I slap her ass when I don't get an immediate response.

"Yes, Dominic" She smiles. I cradle her against my chest and kiss her lightly.

Guys, I don't know when I will post this, so the timeline of when I say this might be off. I am currently in my second year spring semester of uni, OMG. I'm kinda scared for junior year, I don't wanna start internships yet!! Wish me luck tho, I wish you all good luck on your school year. 

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