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Violet, Maria, and Sam

FxMxF | shy boy | office sex | boss & assistant

Sam's POV

God Maria is going to be pissed off that I'm coming in late. Hopefully, her coffee turned out okay and maybe she won't get so mad.

I knock on her door and right as I enter I quickly apologize "I'm so sorry for arriving late, the coffee had to be remade and-"

I stop mid-sentence when I see a woman standing up and away from between Maria's legs. The woman wipes her lips with the back of her hand and smiles devilishly at me.

"What is it, Sam?" Maria questions me and I have to move away from the absurd thoughts that started to invade my brain.

"Um, it's- uh, here's your coffee." I hand her the warm cup.

Maria takes it out of my hand and places it on her desk. Where she was sitting on...Where this woman was possibly eating her out.

"Sam just- um you can get started on the files I-" Maria starts to talk about my tasks for the day, but we both hear a loud sign from our right.

"Enough with the bullshit Maria, let's get back to where we were, and for god sake just invite him." The mystery woman says to her. 

"VIOLET, seriously?" Maria yells out.

Violet. Hmm. She rolls her eyes and starts to pull her top off and her skirt drops to the floor, revealing her red laced bra and thong.

I have the urge to fix myself but not now! I adjust my glasses and turn away for a brief moment.

"Maria, look he's already hard and flushed. Just invite him." Violet says it's like I'm not even here.

Maria still gives her a blank stare as she tries to adjust her clothes and act like nothing happened.

"Fine, I'll ask. Sam, right? Well, you can either walk out of this office and act like nothing happened or you can go take a seat on the couch over there and enjoy a really fun time with us. Your choice." I gulp, I would have never seen this coming today.

I turn to look at Maria and she shrugs her shoulder. I ask her quietly "Do you want me here?"

Her eyes widen at my question, "Yes" She says in a breathless whisper. Yeah, I need her to say that one word when she's underneath me.

I slowly walk away from both of them and head over to the door. The door then clicks, I lock the door this time, making sure there isn't another unexpected disruption they didn't expect to have.

I then take a seat on the couch and I'm met with Violet's dark eyes staring me up and down. With no shame. 

"You know Maria, you never told me what a cute assistant you have working for you here," Violet then kneels down between my legs and I can't help but shift around on the couch. 

Maria walks over and smiles at me. Her fingers lifts up my chin making me look at her beautiful eyes. Her smile quickly fades when she utters four words "Take off your clothes." 

I hesitate for a second. 

"God, you think too much" Violet quickly unzips my pants and pulls down my boxers along with it. 

My cock lies flat up against my stomach. 

"Fuuuck" I groan out as Maria's hand slowly pumps me. 

Violet's mouth is wrapped around my balls, licking and sucking to no end, it causes me to toss my head back and enjoy this. This has got to be a dream. 

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