He'll Find Out

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Jay's POV:

She's freaking out and struggling to breathe through all the rambling she's doing. I sat back down with her and began to rub her back to help her relax a little and hopefully stop rambling soon so I can explain what I need to. The retired doctor has never been wrong about one of his visions before, so I wonder what's going on.

"What's a mate? If Luna is a title and I'm your Luna, then what's a psych ward?" I couldn't help smiling at the question, watching her throw daggers at Gifford still. She doesn't seem to forget which will be good if she actually is my Luna. 

"That's not important right now. What is important is getting to know what we need to do to help you and get you up to date. How long have you been there?" That's a question that's been racking my brain for a while. She stopped throwing daggers and looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed once more. Her confused face is now one of my favorites. I shouldn't be allowing those thoughts in so soon, especially since I don't know if she actually is my mate.

"Well... I've always been there. Mrs. Gio and anyone in the eighteenth bunker or higher would raise me." She responded, watching my reaction for something. I don't know what she's hoping to find though. She's been there since she can remember... Maybe she's been brainwashed. Who knows what they did to her there. It's possible we only saw an ounce of what she's been through.

"What do you mean eighteenth bunker and higher?" This was Lomen's voice who was now looking between her and I. Instead of the little shit in my arms answering, another voice met our ears. It was Destinee Adeline.

"It's their age. I was seventeen when they first caught me, so they called me seventeen until my eighteenth birthday." Her voice sounded haunted and exhausted, making me frown. She'll be in the right state of mind to find some more information on this case. I looked over to the strange women who healed me to find her looking around the vehicle with wonder. Had she never seen a vehicle before? Why doesn't she sound traumatized or haunted?

"So, you're eighteen." I stated, looking at her. It took a second for her to look at me, but she nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! That's my name." She hummed, turning to look at the Destinee.

"You know you should never ask a lady about her age." At that phrase Gifford growled, his wolf coming to the front for only a moment before his eyes returned to normal.

"Psycho. Don't repeat anything he told you." He who? Why is he getting protective? He doesn't seem to like her very much. As if he could read my mind, he looked at me and I know he's still bothered by her words.

"Noah Ade. She knows him as 'Mr. Noah' and she's obedient to almost everything he says or tells her to do. I saw how manipulative he was with her not only in the field, but I watched him train her mind outside their 'appointments'." He looked to be fuming, and I couldn't help but match his anger, if not a little more. Noah's been training women's minds. No wonder she didn't seem traumatized. She was brainwashed. Part of me was tempted to let Andrews take control but a cold soft hand met my arm and began to trace small shapes on it. I looked down to see my possible mate looking at me with fearful yet sad eyes. Can she feel my emotion and pain without being marked? I thought I felt hers earlier but that shouldn't be possible. It has never been possible. Why is she upset?

I let her continue, telling myself it's to comfort her but I knew deep down, I was just letting her calm Andrews and myself down.

Looking at the Destinee girl, she appeared physically sick and emotionally unavailable. I'll wait until we arrive to ask her questions. For now, she should rest. I still have to do the paperwork for this case and call her pack to let them know. 

The Experimental Mate (in editing process)Where stories live. Discover now