Chapter 5

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Irina's POV

Thanks to Sasha, mom and dad didn't scold me at all for wandering off. I was also able to hide my phone in one of the hundreds of purses I have in my closet.

It's been three months since the ball and I've been talking to Elias everyday. We've gotten so close since we first met.

"You're not like the women I've been with. They only want me for my money and status but you actually care about me. Sometimes it feels like you're the only person I can talk to." He tells me

"You're nothing like the boys in my school. I wish I was older."

"I don't mind your age. I think it makes your maturity stand out more because you're so young. At the end of the day age is just a number." He responded

"I wish my parents thought like you. Mom and dad treat me like a baby all the time." I complained

"That's how abusive parents control their kids. I see it all the time in mafia families. They're trying to clip your wings so you stay dependent on them forever. They're probably going to force you into an arrangement marriage when you turn 18."

"Aleksandr threatens me like that when he's mad but my mom and dad always shut him up."

"If your nine year old brother is saying that already, it's probably true. Your parents only want him to be quiet so he doesn't give it away."


"You shouldn't be so trusting of your family. I'm saying this because I don't want to see you get hurt."

I can't believe how naive I've been. Moving forward I can't just blindly follow what my parents say.

"You're the only person who's honest with me. Thank you for opening my eyes." I tell him

"Of course."

Two Weeks Later

I just got back from Pilates with mom.

"Irina, your father and my anniversary is coming up and we want to take a one week vacation. Do you want to stay with your grandfather or at Olga's house?"

"Can I stay home alone? I don't need a babysitter anymore."

"I don't know baby."

"I'm not a baby anymore! We have guards so what's the big deal?"

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady!"

"Why can't you just treat me like an adult?"

"Because you aren't Irina. Stop trying to grow up so fast and enjoy your youth!"

"Ugh I hate you!" I screamed and stormed off to my room

Elias was right. They're trying to stop me from growing up.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night waiting for mom and dad to go to sleep.

"Kitty, are you awake?" I hear dad call through my door

"Yes." I answer and he comes in

"I spoke to your mother and we decided to let you stay home alone for that week."


"None of the help will be here either so you'll have to cook and clean for yourself."

"What? Why?" I asked

"Since you're a big girl you should be able to take care of yourself."

"This was mom's idea wasn't it?"

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