Chapter 9

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Haruhi's POV

We're here at the dress shop watching Mabel try on various mermaid style dresses. So far she hasn't found anything to her liking.

Unlike last time, only mother, Irina, and myself are present. The three of us sit in silence on a couch waiting for Mabel to return in a new option.

"So, what are your interest?" I asked in an effort to make small talk

"I'm afraid I'm very uninteresting. I don't have any hobbies. What about you? I hear you're quite the ballerina."

"You heard correctly. I dance professionally in Russia." I smiled

"That's amazing. I hope I'm fortunate enough to see you dance one day."

"I'll be sure to invite you to my next show."

"I can't wait." She smiled

"Irina, I'm curious as to why you never participated in ballet? Your mother was the greatest dancer to ever live and you threw away the opportunity to be mentored by the best."

"Isn't that a lot of pressure to put on a child? I've never had an interest in being athletic so being forced to attend multiple ballet classes a week was so exhausting. At first I wanted to make mom proud of me but I wasn't good at it at all. I had to work harder than anyone else just to be mediocre at best. On top of that everyone would judge me for not being a prodigy like my mother. It was Sergei who gave me the idea of getting expelled from all my dance schools since no one listened to my pleas when I begged to quit."

"The ballet world isn't made for just anyone."

"You survived because you started your career with supportive parents and talent. I started mine being bullied by my peers and teachers. Then when I went to my parents they would just downplay all the abuse I was enduring. They watched me beg on my knees in tears and just told me to be stronger. I'm glad ballet worked out for you but don't shame me for not becoming my mother's doppelgänger."

I looked over at mom who was fighting back tears

Fortunately Mabel returned to show us her latest choice

At Lunch

"I can't believe I still haven't found a dress I like? This is the twelfth shop we've visited. I've even chosen bridesmaids dresses for you girls but nothing for me. I might have to consider having a dress made for me." Mabel aired her frustration

"If you're worried about the cost, don't. Aleksandr won't care as long as you're happy." I told her

"I know but we already have so many details to worry about. How on earth am I going to find time to search for a seamstress? Then I'll have to attend a hundred and one fittings or consultations!"

"If you want I could just make your dress for you." Irina offered

"That's an excellent idea!" Mom praised her

"Have you ever made a wedding dress before?" I asked

"I have." She nodded

"Irina used to make my gala dresses when she was younger. I've never been disappointed by her."

"Is that something you continued when you moved in with your husband? Or are we hoping you'll still remember what you did as a teenager?"

"My ex's family would force me to make all of the women a dress for almost every occasion. That included all his sisters' and women cousins' wedding dresses. You can of course decline my offer but I figured I'd offer since you've been so kind to me." She smiled

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