[Pearl boy] Daekwang X UMR X Daehwi pt.2

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It's been a few months since M/n started to live with the Koh brothers. M/n started to open up more to them and didn't flinch anymore when they touched him. Everything seemed to be going well for them, even if M/n hasn't given up on Dooshik just yet.

M/n was in the kitchen cooking breakfast while wearing Daekwang's shirt and only panties under. When M/n asked for new clothes, the twins got him feminine clothes. Skirts, shirts, dresses, panties, even lingeries. M/n managed to get used to it and was just happy to have something other than a shirt. 

M/n jumped when he felt arms around his waist but relaxed when he saw Daehwi.


"Smells good but I want something else"
Daehwi started kissing M/n's neck as he reached under the shirt.

"W-wait, I'm still cooking"

"Then hurry up"
M/n continued to cook as Daehwi watched him, waiting for him to finish. Daehwi leaned on the island counter behind M/n, watching M/n's ass that peaked out from under the shirt whenever he reached up. 

Daekwang was on the phone with Pilwon as he was getting ready.

"Bring him back, now"

"Sir, we're so cl-"

"Dooshik has agreed to give back Jooha for his brother, bring the boy back"

"But sir-"
Daekwang growled as Pilwon hung up on him, he didn't want to do this.

Pilwon looked at Dooshik, who was pointing a gun at him.

"There, you'll get your brother back soon. Now, where's Jooha?"

"You'll get him when I have M/n back"
Dooshik glared at Pilwon.

"Fine, I guess that's fair"
Pilwon went to leave before tossing a package on the table.

"We'll meet at the warehouse, I do have to say it's too bad to lose something so pretty"
Pilwon walked out leaving Dooshik confused. Dooshik looked at the package and picked it up, seeing there were flash drives in it. He was confused but took them with him, he went back home to Jooha. 

Jooha was still asleep when he returned home, he grabbed his laptop and walked into the living room. He grabbed a  flash drive that had a red dot on it and put it into the laptop. There were four videos, all numbered, so he clicked on one. Once it played he could see M/n being beaten and tortured, his screams being blocked by tape. 

"Is that your brother?"
Dooshik jumped when he heard Jooha's voice but nodded before looking back at the video.

Jooha sat beside Dooshik and noticed the other flash drives, he looked at them before noticing something.

"these have pink dots"


"The one in the laptop has red, but these have pink"
Dooshik looked and realized Jooha was right, so he put one of the others into the laptop. He clicked on a video, he regretted it the moment he did. It was of M/n, tied up and blindfolded as multiple guys took turns with him. Dooshik closed the laptop while gritting his teeth, rage filling his body.

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