[Darkfall] Beryl X UMR (F/S)

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[Beryl still has his yandere-ish ways as that's his personality]

Beryl looked inside the dungeon and couldn't believe it, there he was. M/n, a small male that used to follow Leon, he was Leon's only true friend. Now here he was, laying on the bed of the dungeon. Beryl couldn't help the movement of his tail as he stared at the small male. When he had asked Lord Nergal to allow him to take the male, he didn't think he'd agree but he did. Beryl knew it was only because it meant they didn't have to worry about him going after Leon. 

M/n started to slowly wake up and looked around, seeing he was in a dungeon. He was scared as he didn't remember what happened. All he remembered was Leon calling his name before everything went black.

"L-Leon? Where am I? Hello?!"
The sound of the door opening made M/n back up on the bed, scared as to who walked in.

"W-who's there?"

"It's ok M/n, it's me Beryl"
Beryl walked closer to M/n, with his hands up showing he wasn't going to hurt him.

"Beryl...Beryl, we have to find Leon!"
Beryl looked at M/n before looking at the ground, he has to do this right or M/n will push him away.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do"

"W-what are you talking about?!"
Beryl knew what he had to do, what he needed to say to trick M/n.

"Lord Nergal and the others have betrayed Lord Leon, I was happy that I managed to keep you from the same faith"

"But...Leon..., they can't!"
M/n had tears in his eyes so Beryl went over and hugged him.

"It's ok M/n, I'll keep them from you"
M/n held onto Beryl as he cried, worried for his friend.

It's been a few days since M/n had woken up in the dungeon. After three days Beryl had carried M/n to his room in the palace and told him to stay there. Claiming that if the others saw him then they'll start hurting him, which wasn't a complete lie. 

Beryl had to leave the palace for something, leaving M/n alone and unprotected. Deus saw this as a chance to see what made this small elf so special to Beryl. Deus teleported into the room and looked at the male asleep on the bed. He smirked and walked towards him and pulled the cover off him, and saw the small male was wearing a large shirt. He placed his hand on M/n's thigh and ran it up under the shirt.

"Nothing under here, huh. And here all alone and unprotected, almost as if you're asking for it~"
Before he could do anything else, he was thrown away from M/n. Deus had hit the wall before looking at who threw him, it was Beryl.

"Oh look, the mutt's back"

"Stay away from him!"
Beryl growled as he stood in front of the bed, blocking Deus' view of M/n.

"Oh please, did you think I wouldn't want a taste of him?"

"Leave. Now."
Deus was going to say something but he got called by Nergal and had to leave. Once he was gone, Beryl turned and looked at M/n.

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