[DarkFall] Deus X UMR (S)

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M/n was friends with Leon and was with him when he got captured, meaning M/n got caught too. Leon and M/n were in the cell together, M/n tried to heal Leo with what little mana he had left. M/n was a fairy so he was already the weakest creature there was, but now his mana was drained. The cell door opened and Deus walked in, with no words he picked up M/n.

M/n was tossed over Deus' shoulder as Deus walked out of the cell. Deus took M/n to a room and threw him on the bed in the room. M/n looked up at Deus with a nervous look on his face. Deus removed his shirt before crawling onto the bed and crawled over top M/n. Deus stared down at M/n, his eyes looking all over M/n's body.

Deus wasted no time and ripped M/n's clothes off before he started biting and marking M/n's skin. M/n turned his head to the side as he blushed at the feeling of Deus' tongue and teeth on his body. After leaving a good bit of marks on M/n's chest, Deus pulled away and looked at his art work on M/n's skin. 

Meanwhile, Beryl looked at Mephisto and Nergal in shock as they explained why Deus was acting strange.

"Wait, how come I didn't know this? I mean we traveled together for a while, why didn't anyone tell me?"

"It was Deus' choice to tell you or not, not ours"

"But you two knew"

"We found out about it, he didn't tell us"

"But still, I feel like he should have told everyone"
Beryl pouted but he was just mad he didn't know Deus' secret.

Back with Deus and M/n

Deus looked down at M/n as the fairy sucked his dick, or at least tried to. M/n had the tip in his mouth, sucking and licking it as his hands worked on the rest. Deus groaned as he felt M/n's tongue skillfully worked on the tip. Being impatient Deus was getting tired of the slow pace things was going. 

He grabbed M/n's hair and forced his dick down M/n's throat. M/n's eyes widened as tears formed in them, his jaw was in a lot of pain. M/n dug his nails into Deus' thighs as he didn't want this. Deus ignored him and just started thrusting into M/n's mouth. 

"Ugh~ your throat always feels so good around my dick~"
Deus groaned as he continued to shove himself down M/n's throat. M/n was clawing at Deus' thighs to make him let go but he didn't have any luck. M/n had tears falling from his eyes as he couldn't breathe and his throat was hurting.

But Deus didn't care as he just continued to thrust into M/n's mouth. M/n was gagging and trying to push Deus away but with Deus' strength, it was pointless. As Deus could feel himself getting close, he gripped M/n's hair and face fucked M/n at a rough and fast pace. With a rough and deep thrust, Deus came down M/n's throat. 

M/n's eyes widened as he had no choice but to swallow it all, even though some spilled out the sides of his mouth. When Deus pulled out of M/n's mouth, m/n coughed and gasped. M/n held his throat as he tried to breathe and spit out the rest of Deus' cum. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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