[Jinx] Joo Jaekyung X UMR (S)

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Jaekyung believed it was a jinx, a curse that he could only satisfy with sex. But in all honesty that wasn't it, it was just a means to replace what he lost.

"I told you that you'll just drive him away"

"Shut up"
Jaekyung hissed at Heensung, who just smirked at him.

"I might just go see if he needs some company~"
Jaekyung slammed his hand on the counter of the bar while glaring at Heensung. Heensung looked at Jaekyung with an amused look.

"Why are you acting as if you care about him? It's been months, how many people have you had coming in and out of your home?"

"Don't. You. Dare. Fucking. Touch. Him"
Jaekyung hissed through his teeth as he looked at Heensung with a look that could kill. Even if M/n had left him, no one could fill that spot that he left in Jaekyung's life. No matter how many people he tried sleeping with, none could be like the one he lost. And he'll be damned if he'll let M/n be in the hands of some bitch actor.

"Fine, I won't touch your little toy. Oh wait, he's not yours anymore...I wonder if he's with someone right now. Begging them for-"
Heensung was cut off by Jaekyung grabbing him by his shirt.

"Shut. Your. Mouth"
Heensung chuckled and moved Jaekyung's hands off him.

"You need to loosen up, let's go to a club"

Jaekyung let go of Heensung.

"Oh come on, you'll enjoy it"

"Fuck off"
Jaekyung went back to his seat.

"And here I thought you'd like to know what your little toy has been up to"
Jaekyung held his glass in front of his mouth as he listened to Heensung mention M/n.

(Jaekyung's pov)
A club? Could M/n really be at a club? No, I don't need him and he made it clear he didn't need me. He was just some ass to me, I don't fucking care what he's doing now.

"If I remember correctly, the last time I saw him was at that club. Dancing with a guy before leaving with him"
I could feel that familiar feeling building up.

"I must say, I didn't know he could move his hips like that~"
I gripped the glass in my hand tighter as this asshole keeps talking.

"Almost makes me wonder how he is in the bedroom, sadly he went with that guy-"
I had gripped the glass so much that it shattered in my hand.

"What club?"

Heensung smirked as he made Jaekyung crack, he was going to enjoy this.

The two made their way to the club, loud music blasting throughout the whole place. Jaekyung sat in the VIP section with Heensung, his eyes scanning over the room.

"You said he was here, I don't see him"

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure he's here..somewhere"
Jaekyung tched and continued looking through the sea of people trying to find the male. As he looked at the crowd, his eyes landed on a familiar h/c hair. There he was in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with some guy. Feeling a scary aura Heensung looked at Jaekyung and looked at where he was glaring, and saw M/n.

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