[Pearl boy] Koh Daekwang X UMR X Koh Daehwi (A/S) pt.1

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A nice peaceful day was all M/n wanted, so how did he's day lead him to being kidnapped. He was tied to a chair and gagged as two guys looked down at him with other guys around them.

"Who's this?"
Daehwi asked as he yanked M/n's hair, making him look up at him.

"Kang Dooshik's younger brother, Kang M/n"
one of the men said as he handed Daekwang a piece of paper with M/n's info on it. Daekwang looked at the paper before looking at M/n, thinking of a way to make this work for him.

"Call Choi Pilwon, ask him what we should do with the brother"

"Yes sir"

Pilwon told the twins to torture M/n and video it to be send to Dooshik. So M/n was dragged to a room and chained to the wall. Daehwi started beating M/n as Daekwang recorded it, M/n's pained cries were muffled by the gag.

"You know hyung, it's a shame to be hurting something so pretty"

"Just get it over with, Daehwi"
Daehwi nodded and pulled out a knife before running it under M/n's chin. 

Four days, that's how long M/n has been tortured in that room. His body covered in wounds and bruises, dried blood covering him and the floor. Pilwon decided to check in on how the twins were doing and visited them. The three were walking to the room as Daekwang informed Pilwon on what had happened so far.

"When the third video was sent we received threats from Dooshik"

Daehwi opened the door and let Pilwon walk in first, he looked at M/n's curled up body. M/n weakly tried to back up but couldn't.

"So this is that bastards brother, he looks so disgusting"
Pilwon walked over to the water hose and sprayed M/n down. Weak cries was heard from M/n as the water was freezing and made his skin sting. Pilwon tossed the hose to the side and walked towards M/n, yanking him up by his hair. Looking at M/n now, Pilwon noticed how M/n's body looked a little like Juha's. That feminine and curvy body, the smooth and flawless skin that could make anyone crave it.

"New plan boys"


"Wait, what?"
Pilwon smirked at M/n, who looked at him in fear. 

M/n tried to pull against the ropes as he wanted to run, he wanted to be anywhere but here. Fear built up in his eyes as he watched men in bondage walk towards him. M/n tried to protest but the gag in his mouth stopped him. He was pulled onto the mattress in the middle of the room, as he tried to kick the men from him. Just as the men started touching him, Pilwon stopped them and looked down at M/n.

"You know, this is all your brother's fault. You see, he ran off with something of mine and refuses to return it. However the first plan was to torture you for a while before killing you and sending him your body. But it would be a waste to let your body go to waste like that"
Pilwon grabbed M/n's chin and made him look at him.

"If anything, you should blame your brother for your unfortunate situation"
He let go of M/n and walked back to his seat before giving the orders. 

It's been two weeks since M/n was forced into the situation, two weeks since M/n's mind was destroyed. Daehwi was looking at the latest video of M/n, with a familiar feeling. The thing is that the twins had slowly started caring for M/n. Daehwi noticed it when he was in charge of making sure M/n was cleaned one day, as he washed M/n's body he felt guilty for what happened. 

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