[Shutline] Jake 'Jay' Gillan pt.2

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M/n sighed as he tossed the book he had to the side, bored out of his mind. Two nights ago M/n explained to Shingun what happened with the man. Shingun was now worried for M/n and has forced M/n to stay home, making him not be able to work.

(M/n's pov)
This is so boring...fuck it, I'm going out. I got up and went to my room in the apartment to get ready. I put on the clothes that I use when 'working', which are booty shorts, high waist fishnet stockings, a thong, a black crop top, a jacket, and heeled boots. I grabbed my bag and headed to a club to have fun and maybe make some cash.

M/n went to the bar and ordered a drink while scanning the room.

'Not many good picks here'
M/n sighed but smiled at the bartender who handed him his drink. 

"You should be careful M/n, some guy has been poking around here for you"

"Oh Ivan, I can handle myself"

"You're playing a dangerous game"

"That's the only way to live"
M/n downed his drink and went to the dance floor, swaying his waist with the music. As he danced with the music he could feel someone grab his waist. M/n looked behind him and saw a guy smirking at him while he rubbed himself against him.

'Fucking disgusting loser'
M/n thought as he turned to face the man before wrapping his arms around his neck. M/n danced with the guy until the guy asked M/n if he wanted to grab a drink. M/n agreed and went to the bar with the man.

"So what's someone so sexy doing here alone?~"

"I'm looking for some fun, do you think you can me with that?~"
M/n smirked as he brushed his hand over the guy's thigh.

"I think that I can~"
The man said as he grabbed M/n's ass, making M/n cringing on the inside. M/n had got a call so he moved to the side and answered it, as he did Ivan brought over the drinks. The guy waited for Ivan to walk away before putting something into M/n's drink. M/n walked back over and smiled at the guy.

"Sorry about that, it was my friend"

"It's ok, here"
The guy handed M/n the drink and the two cheers before downing their drinks. After a little time passed, M/n started to get dizzy.

"Whoa there, let's get you somewhere else"
The guy curried M/n to the floor with rooms and walked into one of the rooms. He laid M/n on the bed and smirked as M/n was out of it.

"This is too easy"
The guy went to grab M/n but fainted, once he did M/n sat up and looked at him.

"Poor sucker"
M/n went through the guy's pockets and grabbed his wallet before walking out of the room. He went back to the bar and smiled at Ivan, as he waved the wallet.

"You're playing a dangerous game"

"I call it living a little"
M/n took out the money and handed Ivan the empty wallet. Ivan chuckled at M/n's habits and was about to go back to work when he looked up.

"M/n, run"

M/n looked behind him and saw Jake walking towards him.

M/n grabbed his bag and started running but was blocked by guys in suits. M/n was surrounded as Jake walked up to him.

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