[Jinx] Joo Jaekyung X UMR (A)

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M/n sighed as he looked at his phone once more, hoping for a text or call. Who could he be waiting for, well that person is Joo Jaekyung. Jaekyung and M/n had been together for a while but as of lately he didn't get a text or call from him. M/n was worried but figured it could be because Jaekyung was busy training for a match. He tried to be patient but as the days turned into weeks M/n started to get worried even more.

M/n sat at the bar looking at his phone as his friends tried to cheer him up before they had ditched him.

"What's a cutie like you doing here alone?"
M/n looked at the person, he was tall and had strawberry blonde hair.

"I was here with my friends"


"They kind of ditched me"

"That doesn't sound like good friends"

"It's ok, I'm used to being abandoned"
Heensung looked at the h/c hair male in front of him with a sad look.

"You're too cute to be abandoned, why do you think like that?"

"Ugh, because guys are just fucking losers. How can they say they love you but ghost you for weeks"
M/n started venting as he gripped his phone, he was trying to not cry. Heensung was shocked at the sudden outburst but listened to the s/c male.

"I did everything he asked. I took the abuse because I told myself it was stress from his work"
M/n laughed dryly before downing his drink.

"I allowed him to humiliate me, just because he thought it was fun"

"He sounds toxic"

"Yeah, he is but here I am worried because he hasn't called or texted me in weeks"

"Have you tried going to his place?"

"He tells me to call before I show up, says he might not be home sometimes"

"Why not go now? Just see if he's there"
M/n looked at Heensung and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. It can't hurt to go check on him"

"I'll even drive you there"

"You will? Thank you"
The two left the bar and M/n told Heensung where to go. Once they arrived M/n told Heensung he could go but he said he'd wait for M/n. M/n nodded before he went to Jaekyung's penthouse. He walked out of the elevator and walked to the door but noticed it was opened. He carefully walked in and looked around before hearing something coming from the bedroom. 

M/n's heart beat against his chest as he walked towards the room. He peaked through the creak of the door and his heart shattered, Jaekyung was fucking another guy. M/n backed away from the door before leaving the building with tears in his eyes. Heensung watched as M/n ran out of the building and started running down the street.

'Poor guy, you probably thought he cared for you. Too bad Jaekyung doesn't care about anyone but himself'
Heensung smirked as he called Jaekyung, who answered the phone rudely.

"What do you want?!"

"Oh, just wanted to let you know a cute little h/c head left your building crying"


"Poor thing thought you cared, so I helped him see the truth"

"So what? You think I care if some slut leaves"

"Poor little M/n, running home crying because of the big bad Jaekyung"
Jaekyung froze when Heensung mentioned M/n's name, he quickly hung up on him. Heensung smirked before leaving to go home, knowing he ruined everything for Jaekyung.

Jaekyung kicked out the guy he was sleeping with and tried to call M/n, but his number was blocked.

Jaekyung threw his phone. You might be wondering why he's acting like this when he was just fucking another guy. It's simple really M/n held more power than people give him credit for. M/n L/n...held the key to Jaekyung's success and the key to destroy it. by that I'm talking about how M/n was like a good luck charm to him, even helps his jinx. 

But as for the thing to destroy him...their daughter, a year old little girl that they had to keep hidden. M/n had a rare condition that made it a possibility, he didn't know until it was too late. So he brought a little girl into the world, his and Jaekyung's world. Now he had every means to come clean and tell the world the truth. It would destroy Jaekyung and M/n knew it would, but he has nothing but hate in his heart now.

M/n looked at his daughter that was sleeping peacefully in her crib.

"I will make him pay, I will bring him down"
M/n kissed his daughter's head before walking to his laptop and was about to post everything until there was knocking at his door. M/n went to see who it was only to be shoved against the wall the moment he opened the door.

"Don't you fucking dare do anything!"

"Get out"

"If you ruin me-"

"What? You'll hit me? Video me and show your friend again? Or blindfold me and have him in the same room watching? Or will you try to go after our daughter? But you can't because that means you'll have to admit it, besides I have proof of your abuse towards me. Do you think they'll let you have her?"
Jaekyung started choking M/n as he glared at him.

"If you do this, I will drag you down with me. You were nothing but a whore that I picked up off the streets, I'm sure there's still videos of you floating around out there. How would the court feel about a slut raising a child?"

"S-she's my daughter"

"Then I suggest you think about it before doing anything stupid, or I'll make sure she is in foster care"
Jaekyung threw M/n to the ground.

"I'll send you money for her, so don't ever contact me again"
Then he left and slammed the door closed behind him. The noise woke up the baby so M/n went to her.

"Shh, it's ok sweetie"
M/n held her close before he looked at the laptop, he walked over and looked at the post. He bit his lip before deleting it and closing the laptop.

"I won't let him take you from me"
M/n kissed the girl's head as he rocked her, tears falling from his eyes. He hated Jaekyung, he wished he never agreed to go with him that night.

'I will find a way to make you pay, Joo Jaekyung'

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