[Shutline] Jake 'Jay' Gillan X UMR (S) pt.1

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The music was loud and people were drunk on the dance floor, M/n looked at his friends and wished he could leave. This was supposed to be a fun night out but M/n hated this type of thing, unless he was working.

'This place is too loud, I've already been in four clubs this week'
M/n thought as he looked around, watching the drunks push into each other. M/n was a scammer and did a couple of cash grabs that week already.

"Didn't think you were working tonight"
M/n looked up and saw Shingun, his friend that he scams people with.

"I'm not, but these idiots dragged me out here"

"I still think you shouldn't be doing those types of scams"

"Yeah but I can't always distract people so you can mess with the car, I need to find a good source of cash"

"So flirting with guys and taking them to a hotel, where you drug them so they pass out, then rob them is better?"

"I'm not selling my body, Shin"

"M/n, it-"

"I told you, I would never go that far. Are you suggesting I should go back to being an escort?"

"At least it wasn't as dangerous, you just had to be by the person's side"

"I'm not going back to that life"

"Then just stay by my side, I'll provide for you"

"Yeah, you're scam don't make that much"

"That's not true"
Shingun pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to M/n

"What the- how did you get this?"

"Some sucker, I even made it so he'd have to see me again in a few days"

"Think he'd fall for my tricks, I might get a lot from him"

"M/n...don't, if anything happened to you-"

"I'll be fine, I can handle myself Shin"
Shingun looked at M/n and sighed, even if they weren't brothers by blood Shingun care for M/n as if they were. When Shingun first started being on the streets M/n tried scamming him, but later decided to help out Shingun instead. The two had been there for each other ever since that day. 

Unlike Shingun, M/n actually grew up on the streets alone. His mother was a prostitute who left him in an alleyway the day he was born. M/n was used to the way the streets worked and knew how to survive it. But M/n swore to never sell his body and he lived by that rule his whole life. 

M/n knew Shingun was looking at him, he did that every time. It was his way of telling M/n to stop his scam, which M/n ignored.

"Can we just drink and void the whole run around?"

"Fine, but only because I know you'll just ignore me"
M/n and Shingun drank together until Shingun got a phone call. It was the guy Shingun had gotten the wad of cash from, he was yelling about the car blowing up or something. Shingun tried to reason with the man but got hung up on, M/n just watched the whole thing.

"Damn, he sounded mad"

"Don't they always, he's blaming me for the car breaking down. I made it so it would be a few days before it would, he must have done something"

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