[Eyes clouded by the tiger] Ahn Geumhu X UMR (A/S)

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It's been days...days since their argument, days since Ahn Geumhu had seen M/n. Geumhu was going down hill, drinking his life away. Everyone was worried but they knew to not bother the Lord.

(Geumhu's pov)
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling, damn my head is killing me. I slowly sat up and looked around the room, nothing but empty bottles everywhere. It doesn't matter to me anymore, nothing matters damn it. Why did I even yell at him? 

Geumhu laid on his side and ignored the servant that had brought him food. He just looked at the wall as he thought about his little love.

Geumhu had Beom servicing people who came to pay for him, but someone had seen M/n. M/n is Beom's brother so he had the same looks like Beom, only difference was M/n's looks were more feminine and was shorter. As Beom seemed like a tiger to people, M/n seemed like a fox and some people in the village even called him Yeou. (Fox in Korean)

The man that saw M/n went to Geumhu and asked him how much for a night with him. Geumhu looked at the man before looking at M/n who was sitting beside him, and gave a price of 60,000 yen. M/n looked at Geumhu in disbelief as he believed the Lord had feelings for him. He had believed Geumhu actually cared for him, as he's done so much for him. He treated him different from the others and even spent nights with him. M/n just looked at Geumhu in disbelief as the man paid and pulled him to the room. 

Geumhu sat in his room and counted the money, while Beom glared at him from the side. Beom knew of M/n's feelings towards the Lord, and he hated what the Lord was doing. Before anything else can happen yelling and slamming could be heard. Walking outside the guy who paid for M/n was walking away angry. Geumhu went to the room M/n was in to find out what happened, and to yell at him for losing a customer. But when he walked in M/n was nowhere to be seen, the room was trashed and blood on the futon. He had everyone search the whole estate, only for no one to find him. He even had people search the villages nearby, but nothing.

Since that night M/n had been missing, within that time Geumhu realized he messed up. He realized that M/n meant a lot more to him than he thought. He missed the small smiles M/n would give him whenever he walked by, or the way M/n would randomly make flower crowns and place them on everyone's head. He didn't realize just how much he cared about M/n, until he lost him.

For the first time in days Geumhu decided to go out, to kill some people. He went to a small village that had been attacked by bandits for a while. Him and his group walked into the village and looked around.

"Such a small place"
Beom looked around and nodded, yes he's with Geumhu but he still doesn't like him. They decided to find somewhere to stay until night, which was when the bandits would normally show. However there were only a few restaurants and an entertainment building. They went to see if the building had any room, if not they'd hang around until night. Unfortunately for them, the rooms were only for customers paying for a 'private dance' from the kisaengs. 

So Geumhu and his group decided to hang around until it was night. Geumhu and Beom sat in the back of the room, waiting for the kisaeng to come on stage. Beom looked around not liking the way the other men would act to the workers. It wasn't long until a kisaeng walked out on stage, but this one was different from the others. They wear a fox mask, they were the only one wearing a mask too. The kisaeng danced gracefully, drawing everyone's attention. Geumhu watched the show with a bored expression, he just wanted to release his emotions by killing. He would rather see...see M/n do the dancing instead. 

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