[Low tide in twilight] Yeo Wonyoung X MR (F/S)

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(Just wanted to add this: Wonyoung is a female Alpha, most people believe she's a male based on her looks and the way she dresses. If you want a male version just let me know. Sorry if it's not that good)

Everyone stared at them, I mean who wouldn't. A female Alpha walking with an Omega male, looking as if they were the opposite gender. Wonyoung glared at everyone staring at them as if she was warning them.

"Stop that"

"Huh? Stop what?"

"Glaring at people"

"Then maybe they should mind their own business"
M/n smiled softly as he thought the way Wonyoung was protective was cute.

"Dear, they're going to look but we shouldn't let that ruin our date"

"You're right, I won't let them ruin my time with my little cutie"
Wonyoung said as she wrapped her arm around M/n and pulled him closer to her. They walked into the restaurant and sat down. A waiter walked over and started asking what they would like to drink, but Wonyoung could see the waiter trying to flirt with M/n. She glared at the waiter as he walked away.

"Dear, please don't make a scene"

"That asshole was flirting with you while I was sitting right here"

"Please, just ignore it. I don't want a repeat of the last time"

"Hey, I gave her multiple warnings. I can't help it that she didn't get the hint"
M/n sighed as Wonyoung looked away pouting slightly, he was questioning if everyone in the Yeo family was crazy. 

They met because of M/n's friend Euihyun had asked Wonyoung to pick up Euihyoung one day. M/n is Euihyoung's teacher, so when Wonyoung picked up the boy she saw M/n. She was amazed at his pretty looks and wanted to ask him out. But Euihyoung had pulled her away before she could, which made her sad she didn't get to talk to the pretty male. As she complained to Taeju, Euihyun had mention that he was friends with the pretty male. 

Wonyoung begged Euihyun to set her up with M/n, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. But after being begged for a whole month, Euihyun gave in and set them up. M/n didn't make it easy for Wonyoung and continued to try to make the Alpha leave him alone. But then one night as Wonyoung was trying to get M/n to see she really wanted to date him, another Alpha that M/n had turned down before was harassing him. Wonyoung saw this and stepped in, M/n was amazed that an Alpha had protected him. He was so used to protecting himself, so this was unusual to him.

So M/n had actual started giving Wonyoung a chance, it's been three months since they started dating. M/n looked at Wonyoung and smiled, which confused Wonyoung.

"What are you smile for?"

"Just remembering the day you saved me"

"The day you accepted to give me a chance"

"Yeah, and I'm glad I did. You have made my life so much happier"

"I should be the one to thank you, before my dating life wasn't that good and I was always with a new person. But you changed that and now I can see what real love feel likes, I can see why Taeju would do anything for Euihyun now"

"I'm still mad Euihyun tried to set me up, he knew I didn't like blind dates"

"But it was the start to us dating"

"That's because you were stubborn"

"But you love me"
M/n rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Yes, I do"

The date went ok, besides the fact Wonyoung tried to fight the waiter that was flirting with M/n. Now the two were home, well at M/n's home as Wonyoung was dropping him off.

"Thank you for taking me out"

"Anything for you"

"I just wished you didn't try to fight the waiter"

"He asked for your number, while I was trying to kiss you! He deserved it, if only you didn't pull me away"

"I can't have you getting into trouble everywhere we go"
M/n walked inside with Wonyoung following him.

"Please don't be mad at me"

"I'm not"
M/n went to his room to change with Wonyoung following him. She watched as M/n removed his shirt before walking over to him. 

(M/n's pov)
I started changing into something more comfortable, then I felt hands touching my body.

"What are you doing?"

"Your body is so soft and clear, If it wasn't for this..."
Wonyoung grabbed my crotch as she pulled me into her chest.

"...No one would know you're a male"

"S-stop groping me"

"Your soft features and sweet voice, could make anyone think otherwise"

"I...I could say the same about you"
Wonyoung smirked as she moved her hand into my pants.

"Oh really?~"
She moved to my neck and started kissing me there. I blushed as I felt her kiss my neck, to me it felt strange. 

Wonyoung pushed M/n to the bed and made him lay down. She moved to mark M/n's neck as she went to remove his pants.


"Shh, just enjoy it love~"
M/n looked at Wonyoung and blushed as she removed her clothes. The room started to get filled with their pheromones as their desire started to grow. Wonyoung leaned down and kissed M/n as she started stroking him.

M/n moaned in the kiss, making Wonyoung smirk. Wonyoung removed her hand and grinded against M/n as she moved his hands above his head. Then she slowly pushed M/n into her before moving her hip. M/n went to touch her waist but got his hands tied above his head instead.


Wonyoung moved her hips more as she kissed him and marked his neck.

"My little Omega~"

Wonyoung smirked as she looked down at M/n and moved faster. After a while the two were close, Wonyoung had cum first and rode out her high. She got off M/n and jerked him off the rest of the way and M/n cum on her hand. Wonyoung looked at M/n and smiled before kissing him deeply.

After the two cleaned up, Wonyoung held M/n as they were going to sleep now. M/n had dozed off and Wonyoung looked at him.

'Maybe...I found my reason to get married'
She kissed M/n's cheek before falling asleep herself. 

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