Chapter Two: Mission possible

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Sneaking in was easy. The doors were unguarded and frankly, no one would bat an eye at a soldier going about their business. Even if said soldier is not assigned there.

(Y/N) marched in, back straight, head held high and a cap covering almost all her hair. To be the part, you have to act the part. 'No one questions you belong to the place if you act confidently in your disguise. Rule number 24 of 'Aunt Gladys' guide to getting away with anything.'

"Soldier!" A gruff voice commanded. The man towered above her. His blonde hair reminding her of the blondie from earlier and his axe-hand confirming her suspicions. Captain Axe-hand Morgan.

"Yes Sir." She stood to attention. Hand positioned in a salute. Standing to his side. Reading about Navy protocols came in handy for situations like this.

"What are you still doing down here?"
His sharp eyes never leaving her stoic face.
(Y/N) steadied her breath. She stopped her body from emitting any moisture to show her nervousness. 'Let them assume what you are doing then follow with what they go with.'

"Shouldn't you be up with the rest of the men hoisting the symbol of my glory or, do you think you're better than that?" His axe was starting to feel way too close.

"Yes Sir, but first I wanted to wash my hands -"

"Why is that?" He asked aggressively, he moved closer. 'Sir back up I'm trying to breathe.'

"I wouldn't want to taint your great figure with any dirt. Not a speck of dust can touch your statue, Sir."
He seemed satisfied with the answer. A bit too satisfied. 'I hope somebody breaks that statue'.

"At ease. You may go."
Dropping her hand, she continued to march under the captain's watchful eyes. Reaching the ladies restroom she finally let out a sigh of relief.

Peeking through the door, she watched as he walked away then stuck out her tongue at him. She left to find the base's computer room. She took out black gloves from her pocket and wore them. Her fingers typed speedily on the computer.

Search results
The Blackvale Royal Family was one of the families with the highest status. They accumulated wealth through innovative ways which include sea and air travel as well as inventing up a storm of military weaponry that could take on enemies of any level.
Unfortunately, these weapons as well as some of their technologies have been lost and scientists still work to uncover the mysteries behind them.

The Blackvale Family have long since been erased from existence due to a massacre occurring hundreds of years ago. Their deaths being caused by something which is still unknown till today.
By Kis Mya Snavey

As (Y/N) continued to read on, a sudden message popped up on the screen.

To whoever reads or searches this article. It is in your best interest to run. Have a nice day.

Shutting down the computer, (Y/n) immediately looked up to see a camera pointed at her zooming in. She found another white rock beside her and smashed the camera with it. Lowering the cap to cover her face completely she heard the sound of a camera click. 'Did'nt I break that thing?'

Still covering her face, she made sure to exit with her back facing the camera. She moonwalked out of the room.

Closing the door with a soft click she turned and sprinted away from the room. She had to run as far away from the base as possible. Luckily, she had already gotten supplies into her boat.

Only, in the rush to leave she had gotten lost and ended up right in front of a fight between her 'captain' and that boy with the red vest. This time he wore a straw hat. It looked familiar, but she couldn't quite put a finger on who she last saw it on. She ducked to avoid a hit. "Who did that?" She said, ready to fight whoever nearly killed her.

Everyone froze on the spot.
Navy soldiers froze before they could nearly land a hit on some guy with a green bandana and three swords. Axe-hand Morgan's eye twitched. The blondie who held a gun to the pinkette looked at her in disbelief and slight recognition.

All of them, except for Morgan, yelled in unison.

(Y/N) stood up, brushed off the dirt on the uniform she wore then bowed quickly.
"Forgive me for intruding. You may continue."
Then she continued to run towards the gate that had been left wide open leaving the navy and the two pirates along with the pinkette to stare after her retreating figure. With a swing of a sword and the impact of a punch they continued fighting.

Reaching her rowboat, she jumped on and began manipulating the current so she could get as much distance from the computer as possible. Once she was sure she was alone in all directions from the civilization she pulled out her usual clothes and changed. Then she fixed up her hair.

Her head laid back onto one of her bags and she left her eyes rest. Thoughts jumbled from the information she had read. It was not enough. She thought knowing at least about her family would quieten the yearning. The want for a place to belong. The feel of wanting a home you've never had. Yet it only left her drowning in a sea of confusion. Her aunt rarely got the chance to tell her much about anything all these years and when she had asked, she was turned down with those irritating words.

"You're not old enough to understand."

She was always told she never would be old enough to understand. Though she understood more than what she let on.

Her mother died during childbirth. Apparently, there was some complications. All she knew was what aunt G told her. That she was the spitting image of her.
Her father died a little after her mother. They say it was gruesome but fit for a man like him. That was she was allowed  to know.

Those who knew him made sure to taunt with fiery words that flew past her ears.
"You have his rage." Her aunt used to say.

"The power to cause just as much destruction. Maybe even worse." That's what she'll live with. She knew from experience.

Time can only tell about what else she'd find out about her family and right now, (Y/n) was getting too tired of what other people say.

A white rock was beside her face. They were everywhere at this point. Even as she was growing up. She found them on the patio at home. In the markets. Even in the prison cell she was shoved in when she was 14.

Grey clouds had gathered above her. She focused on her breathing and the water around her then felt it in her grasp, it was smooth, and it was too hard to confine in her already busy mind, but she tried. The water around her was calm, but the rest that was further away from her control was turbulent. Rain drops from above had fallen slowly towards her, glimmering in the sunlight like small diamonds lightly falling on her skin, sliding down to caress her face. Being dried by the wind.

'I miss home.'

What home? The voice at the back of head questioned. After all. One would barely call where she grew up home.

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