Chapter Six: Wax Modelling brought to you by Zoro

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Now that the crew were finally settling back into the Going Merry after Luffy and Ussop had defeated  Mr Three, ( Y/n) pulled out the bandages she kept in one of her bags to tend to Zoro's wound.

"Remind me how your leg ended up this way," The woman teased him, her eyebrow quirked and a teasing smile on her face.

The embarrassed blush on Zoro's face was enough to let a giggle escape her lips. She placed her med kit beside her and gestured for Zoro to bring his ankle closer to her.

"It was the only way I could think of, " He began, the blood that had previously rushed to his face now having calmed, " It's not like you were doing much either though."

(Y/n) merely gave him a blank look as she got to work on his leg. She didn't deny it. She couldn't.

"You could have broken us out there in a second. What kind of excuse is "not wanting to be blown up"?" Zoro's stared right into her soul, catching her off guard.

"It's exactly that. I wasn't gonna die from that guy's boogers." She continued to stitch the cut, her eyes more laser focused than usual.

After having sailed with her since defeating Buggy and watching her handle enemies one-on- one he knew that she was holding something back.

Heaving out a sigh, his face turned away from her to spot Sanji fuming in the kitchen from seeing (Y/n) tend to his wound. If she wasn't going to divulge the information then he wouldn't force her.

It was her business, as she always said, so he'll try and stay out if it unless she needs him.

"But you were fully ready with a whole pose back there." (Y/n) was trying to lighten up the conversation.

"Not like you weren't striking one too." A barely visible smirk graced Zoro's face.

When Luffy had fought off Mr Three, he had to go against Miss Goldenweek as well, being turned into a puppet to her oh so colourful power. This left the four stuck under the candle set to become waxed figures at a quicker rate due to their captain cutting the set in half but making it closer to their heights.

Whilst Nami and Vivi were panicking, Zoro decided to sassily strike a pose. ( Y/n) let go of her particle umbrella due to it being too much for her body to take as it was starting to grow to rigid to focus. Opting to go along with Zoro's logic, she had done a model pose to go out with a bang.

Luffy was sipping tea along with Miss Goldenweek after that. He was slave to her Colours Trap and couldn't save them at all that time. Ussop and Karoo were being chased by Mr Five and Miss Valentine, the latter seemed to be slowing down in every step she took. Her body shutting down
By far the fight wasn't exactly looking too good. (Y/n) observed the situation and voiced her thoughts with a tranquil smile,which wasn't doing the rest of them good.
"We're all gonna die as wax statues while our captain is stuck sipping tea. Kinda dark if you think about. "

"DONT SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!" Nami and Vivi had yelled.

They were all covered in wax and seemed to be minutes away from death. By the time Ussop and Karoo had comeback after losing their chasers they were met with a horrific sight.

Their crewmates along with the princess as well as Broggy had been covered in the wax. They were still, as though there were no signs of life.

Luffy was still struggling to break free from the Colours Trap, his teeth grit and beads of sweat evident on his face.

Had he lost his crewmates? Were they dead?

He couldn't possibly know. His back was turned from them and all he could do was be forced to enjoy the tea.
"Such nice tea," He said as he took a long sip. Ussop had looked somewhat angered by his captain's actions.

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