Chapter Eleven: Wapol's return? Avalanche!

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AN: Bit of a late-ish update since I'm a bit busy. Thank you for the feedback from some of y'all and if there are any concerns feel free to tell me.
Thank you for reading, have a great day and if you're not having a great day just know it won't last forever . Stay safe♥️

The four remained in the same spot as when Nami and the boys left. Ussop and Vivi standing whilst Y/n sat beside Dalton rubbing her gloved hands together for warmth.

Dalton decided to fill the silence with another story, this time about this Winter island.

In summary, from what Y/n's mind could take in since half the time she couldn't focus from the cold , the island was once a kingdom known for being medically advanced, though they had only one doctor now.

A few months ago they were attacked by a small crew of five men led by a man named Blackbeard. Their crew managed to destroy the country, leaving it's citizens having to rebuild and making them distrustful towards any one who docked onto the island.
The Country's name was originally Drum Kingdom. It's king being a cruel man named Wapol.
Unbelievably so, many believed the destruction was good, mainly because of their former ruler, Wapol, was horrible. His people didn't like him. Nobody liked him.

Vivi, Ussop an Y/n were shocked at the revelation. Then again it did make sense why he was asking for a logpose to this place when he got on the Merry.

"Wait, you know Wapol?" Dalton asked, his eyebrows raised in shock as well as confusion

"He tried to eat our captain," Y/n said with a sigh. The man looked even more confused at how casually she said it.

Ussop took the spotlight, his arms crossed like he was about to say something cool,"We know who he is. He's the pirate who tried to eat our ship," he began, Dalton listened carefully at his words, fully focused." Luckily I was able to take care of him and his men."

'I'm sorry, what?' Y/n let an eyebrow fly up at the lie before letting it go. 'I'm supposed to be used to this by now.'

"Now that I think about it, I do remember him saying something about looking for Drum Kingdom." Ussop said after being done flaunting about his fighting.

"I do recognise him from a monarch meeting with my dad years ago-"

"Who exactly are you?!" Dalton asked, befuddled about the whole monarch thing.

"She's my tenth cousin from my great aunt's side. You must've heard wrong, she said " Media mark meeting." Confuses the words sometimes. " Y/n , tries to cover for Vivi's excuse or lack thereof. She could feel Ussop judging her lying abilities. 'I'm disappointed in myself too.'

"The point is, we do know Wapol. We we ran into him yesterday when we were on our way here." Vivi concluded her explanation.

"Yesterday? Are you sure?!"

"I don't get it though, he said he was a pirate. Not a king." Vivi said.

"He's calling himself a pirate in disguise. He is merely wandering the seas trying to get back to this island." Dalton said. 'Like that toxic ex in that book I read the other day.'

"So the people on the ship with him were kicked off because they were no match for the Blackbeard pirates?is that what happened?" Vivi asked him. The man seemed to be angry a bit, not from what,Vivi said but recounting the events of that day.

"No. When those pirates attacked Wapol's army didn't even try to fight . In fact,as soon as they found out how strong the pirates were him and his cronies were the first to flee to sea. After that, the country went into utter despair."

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