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3rd pov:
"What was the plan again?", Ruby asked Kana and Aqua. It was lunchtime and Y/N was called to the student council last-minute meeting, which is why they were absent.

"After school, I'll talk to Y/N and I will lead them here. You and Aqua will then wait for us and then approach to talk to us. Ruby, I want you to make sure that Y/N doesn't leave. They often find an excuse to leave whenever I try introducing them to Aqua. After bringing them over, Aqua will do his thing to convince them to become an idol!", Kana explained proudly.

"They avoid me?", Aqua asked the redhead.

"Yes. That's the feeling they give every time I plan a meeting."

"How odd", the right-starred twin mumbles.

"Are you sure I'm able to convince them?", the blond asks.

"A 100%. Me and Y/N are very similar!"

"They have such a big mouth and ego like you, Lolli-senpai?"

"Don't insult me! I'll bully you!"

"Let's just get this over with...", the only boy of the trio says with a sigh.

"Operation: convincing Y/N to become an idol begins now!"
Y/N pov:
School is finally over. I am now on my way to the entertainment department for second year students to get home with my best friend.

On arriving, I saw her somewhat confident and I chuckled.

"You're more confident than usual. Did you ace your exam?", I ask her jokingly and she rolled her eyes.

"No. Not yet, but I heard that a new bakery has opened. Let's go there!", she exclaimed.

It was kind of odd to be honest and I made sure to tell her that.

"Eh~? Do you now hate my baking to the point that you want to go to a bakery instead of a baker like myself?", I ask her teasingly.

She huffed. "That's not what I meant! Anyways! Let's go!", she says and takes a hold of my hand and starts dragging me. I sighed and soon stopped when we arrived at the schoolyard. I then stuff a cookie in her mouth, that I had with me the whole time and was planning giving it to her.

She was surprised, but ate the cookie with a relieved smile.

"Can you tell me now why we're here?", I ask her.

"I'm trying to convince you to become an idol", she blabbered out. I caught her right in the act and my mood darkened.

"Didn't I tell you I don't want to become one?", I ask her. My cold side slipping with dark stars in my eyes. She flinched and was about to make an excuse when a guy and girl walked up to me. I took a deep breath to calm down.

"Who are you?", I ask them.

"Huh?! You don't recognize Aqua?! I thought you said you saw the series multiple times!", Kana says surprised.

"That's Aquamarine? To be honest, I only considered watching your scenes. I don't even remember how Melt look like", I respond.

{Somewhere at a model agency was a loud sneezing heard

"Melt! What the fuck was that?!", someone yelled.

"I don't know. I think it is some allergy", the purple haired guy replied.

"Whatever. Now we have to redo your makeup!"}

"Are you serious?", Kana deadpanned.

"You must be Y/N", Aqua spoke. I glanced at him and we didn't speak for some time. Ruby and Kana were about to say something when a tension suddenly grew.

I stared into his Aquamarine colored eyes. He looked like my father. And I'm pretty sure he has some bad intentions. I think he thought something similar about me because now we looked at each other with hatred.

It was like hate at first sight.

"So you're, Aquamarine. Quite the name, right?", I ask him in a mocking tone.

"And your name is Y/N. It is more stupid for you. It doesn't seem to fit you at all", Aquamarine replied.

"Now now, no need to hurt someone's feelings. You're just a lucky bastard with average acting talent", I respond with a threatening smile.

"And you're some talentless kid who hangs around celebrities", he replied.

"Aww~ are you jealous? Gonna cry to mommy?", I mocked him. "Oh right. From your looks, I'm sure your mom is long dead", I add. This seemed to crack Aquamarine, but before he could do anything, his sister and Kana broke us apart.

"Tell me Aquamarine? I hope you enjoy your time! Because I'm pretty sure I'll now consider joining!", I call out as Kana kept dragging me.

Aquamarine scoffed and glared at me with hatred in his eyes.

3rd pov:

"What was that?!", Kana yelled at Y/N.

"Oh, nothing. I just don't like this guy. Stay away from him", Y/N responds with a smile.

"I swear, you always get yourself into trouble", Kana declares annoyed. She then proceeded to scold her best friend.

Ruby pov:
"Onii-chan! Calm down!", I yell out as my brother kept staring at Y/N. I'm not sure what got into him, because he never acted this way.

"Ruby, please stay away from them", he spoke after he calmed down slightly. I was nervous. Was this how Aqua felt like when I had fought with Miyako? We fought from time to time because she didn't like my idea of creating a cult. Even if mama is dead, I still plan to make a cult for people who still love mama.

After fighting, me and Miyako normally don't talk for two hours. And during that time there was a tension. But when Aqua and Y/N met, it felt like a thicker tension. Like they hate each other the moment they met.

I always believed in love at first sight. Of course between me and Gorou was love, but not in first sight. But I still believed in it.

What I  didn't expect that there exists something like hate at first sight. I just don't like the tension between them.

I just hope things will get better...
Y/N pov:
At last, I'm able to come home. Kana was annoying me very much. When I entered the house, I found my father in the living room watching a movie that he played in years ago with some idol that died at the age of twenty.

I sat down beside him and sighed. He took a quick glance at me before speaking.

"You seem exhausted. You good?", he asks me. I nod in response.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's great", he respond with a smile. "Anyways, I know that you are against the idea to become a part of the entertainment world and want to follow up your mother, but could you do me a favor?", he adds.

"What do you need?", I ask him.

"There is a new season of LoveNow coming and I was told who will participate. I'd like you to be apart of it and try dating Akito Suzushiro . He has contact with the rival industry of ours and I would like for you to get some information. Can you do that?", he asks me calmly and pats my head.

"Who is Akito Suzushiro again?", I ask him.

"A young musician. Our rival industry asked him to perform right after the show will end, so, could you do that for me?", he questioned me and I took a deep breath.

"Fine. I'll try."

"Oh, and something else. There will be someone who looks identical to me. Try wrapping him around your finger and then destroy him for me, okay?", he asks me and I already know who he is talking about. I nodded.

I guess we do have to get close, Aquamarine Hoshino.

{Somewhere in an apartment, some blond haired boy who is working on editing a movie the director of his made sneezes.}

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