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Y/N pov:
It's all over the news now.

News about Akane almost committing suicide.

Of course people were still badmouthing her.


The majority of them were distracted by another scandal...
My scandal...

Of course these assholes published the video and now many of people have watched it, seeing me as a violent and sadistic person.

I mean, I can't blame them, but no need to be so obvious.

Y/N? They only got popular because of Akito. I bet they just came there to have their time with celebrities.

Never really liked them, LOL. They should just fall off a cliff and die!

The report said that Y/N also almost died that day, so I was hoping that they'd die.

How can they still face the camera if they are so fake?

I heard their parents hate them to the point that they abuse them.

I was Y/N's classmate back in middle school. They always thought they were better by just hanging out with the popular kids.

I deadpanned reading them.

"I mean, they ain't that bad?", I mumble in my hoarse tone.

I had gotten myself the flu, so I have to stay home like a parasite. I felt so bored.

At least Akane and Kana came over from time to time, well, of course with a mask so they won't catch it too.

Kana was telling me about Pieyon and what he did, as well as how Ruby did some ego surfing. Pretty embarrassing, right?

Anyways, Aquamarine texted me, asking for the pics and vids that I took throughout our time in LoveNow.

I was more dumbfounded, but brushed it off and sent him the pics and vids.

And suddenly he asked me something that made me fall off the bed.

Blond idiot 😐
Can you send pictures and videos about our time in LoveNow?

Perfection 😌
You mean like me and you?
If so, then sorry to disappoint
you, I have none

Blond idiot 😐
No. The pictures from everyone.
I always saw you filming and taking

Perfection 😌
I feel exposed, but meh. Here ya go.
*206 pictures sent*
*59 videos sent*

Blond idiot 😐
Are you serious?

Perfection 😌

Blond idiot 😐
How do you have this
amount of storage? Now I gotta
edit more and it'll take hours.

Perfection 😌
You're editing something? If so...
*89 videos sent*
*60 pictures sent*

Blond idiot 😐
I hate you.

Perfection 😌
I know. I hate me too. Now bye!

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