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Austin walked Marianne to her car after 8 while Andy and I said our goodbyes then headed to the barn.

She took my hand with a grin while we made our way in the dark, our path lit by the moon. "Night ride?"

I nodded, "Got an idea I want to try..."

Andy laughed and met my eyes, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"So, I was thinking Lenny could handle bareback double riding."

"He can. Taylor and I tried it earlier in the summer one day when we were hung over."

I cracked up laughing and shook my head, "Have you tried stunts with him, too?"

"Kind of? I have been hoping to try that with Daylight soon. Lenny can handle double and honestly now that you mention it I want to try with Maverick."

"Wait, really?"

Andy nodded and I saw the glimmer of mischief in her eyes. "We've ridden him bareback separately... what's the worst thing that could happen? We can wear helmets but after getting some more exercise he will be chill.   Oh, and we can let him and Daylight run a bit first so he relaxes, too."

"Deal," I said with a grin.

How this girl was able to stare danger in the face without flinching would always be a mystery to me.  Then again, it was an attractive quality that proved my initial assumptions were dead wrong.  Andy was not a stuck up princess.  She was a badass daredevil.

We got bridles for the horses set up then led them to the arena after a bit of brushing as well as tending to the other animals.  Andy took some extra time with Jeffrey and Matilda, especially since her first horse was having a tougher time standing every day.  

It was hard to watch.  They kept in touch with their Vet regularly but at a certain point you were forced to decide what was best.

I had not tried riding without a saddle very much and never with someone else so it was encouraging to know this was something Andy was game to explore further.  Of course it was no shock.  The girl had no fear.  She trusted these horses, even after almost dying a few months ago.  That never impacted the care she gave Maverick and I knew just gave her more insight into what he needed.

Maverick was eager when we got outside so I mounted him quickly with the help of the fence. Andy jumped onto Daylight so we started a slow paced walk around the arena while chatting.

"Think Austin will join us?" she asked with a grin.

I shrugged, "I mean, if so he can try this with Roscoe.  Probably would be good to get him used to bareback, also."

"Roscoe had a hard time when we tried last but Lenny prefers no saddle," Andy noted. She leaned forward to pet Daylight's neck, "I like trying this kind of thing out once a week or so. Double riding is a lot of fun but it's just not something we've had time to play with much.  That's why off season is so great.  We can actually enjoy ourselves and let the animals have more freedom."

"I think Mav will be okay with it, though it'll be a shock. Probably would be good to have Austin here to spot us, along with wearing helmets."

She groaned and rolled her eyes at me, then whined, "But my hair...."

I laughed at Andy while she took the messy bun from her locks, letting her auburn waves blow in the breeze. "First thing I noticed about you was your hair, but then your gorgeous eyes," I said softly.

Andy turned toward me and let out a soft laugh before realizing I was serious.

"That was a tough day. Mama was having a hard time and burned herself at lunch then cut her hand, too.  She was just frustrated with herself for her sight getting worse but it's not her fault.  That's why Dad set up a last minute appointment for her the next day."

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