Twenty Four

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I let my mind process what Dad said on my walk to the barn.  Bash and I had an amazing time in Wisconsin.  The fact that I took a huge chance but it paid off so exponentially was everything I needed to know.

Of course I loved him. The respect he has shown for my boundaries while still giving me courage to be brave were part of the reason why.  I knew the trip would go smoothly as long as I could get out of my own way.  Becoming closer friends with Isabelle helped more than I realized, too.  We had a great time chatting at the mall while Bash got a haircut then were easily able to socialize with the guests at his parents party.

Everything about Bash and my relationship continued to grow closer.

Now, though...

"Andy?" he sounded concerned as I joined him in the barn so I schooled my expression and smiled, looking toward the foals since we were going to work with them that morning.

"Hey! Thanks for getting them ready, Bash..."

"Come on, Andy..."

I met his eyes then shook my head. "I'm fine."

The look Bash gave told me he knew that was a lie. After a moment I rolled my eyes then actually smiled. "I'll be fine, how's that."

"What's going on?" his hands reached over to take mine while I considered how to answer his question.  I knew I was jumping to conclusions but this was something I did not anticipate facing.

I looked down then met his hazel eyes, letting out a long breath before admitting, "Just... Dad said we have a family friend, Simon Kent, stopping by today. He's a builder so I guess... it sounds like he has someone building over by the pond."

Bash nodded slowly and asked, "Isn't that a good thing?"

I shrugged, "Maybe? I kind of... I guess... I always hoped..."

My mind raced with the dreams I always had about that piece of land. The pond is my favorite secret spot. Of course all of us ride by there but I knew exactly the angle I'd want the front porch to face so you got the perfect glow off the water from the sunset.


The fact that my life had been this farm did not allow me the chance to have wild fantasies about my future, but... that corner of my world was special.  It was where I went to think, to scream, to pray that life would give me a break for once.

Where I went when my heart was shattered, as well as one of the first places I took Bash once I realized he was someone I could trust.  That pond was an escape.  Even when I was alone I would walk out there, listening to music with my headphones in and giving myself the chance to be somewhere I knew was safe.

"Do you know who?"

Bash was being so gentle which helped me continue sharing. "No, and it's not like there is a guarantee, but yeah..."

He smiled then stepped closer and pulled me into a hug. "Then let's get these two in the arena and start work so we can get refocused. I know that's what you want, right, Andy?"

I grinned then nodded, taking Pongo so we could do just that.

Dad got Simon set up with Daylight while he took Lenny to check out the land by our pond.  He asked Bash to join them since Austin was busy in town. The diner had been slammed lately with people trying to get in all the socializing they could before our summer season began. Marianne has not been able to come by as much so he wanted to be there to help.

He even does dishes to give them a hand. Joe sends him home with a couple pies so it's a fair trade.  Austin was happy to try something new and loved the chance to spend more time with Mar.  It was a good way for him to show her support after all she had done so far to help us.

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