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I texted Austin when we returned so he knew we would handle the horses then see Matilda and Jeffrey for a bit before going back to the bunk house. They were still in the hay loft so I offered to grab them anything they needed but Austin insisted they were good.

There was no way I planned to interrupt.  

I learned that lesson the hard way when I was 13 and he was 18.  The hayloft had always been my safe space until it was defiled by my brother and his then girlfriend.  Granted, I still went up there for quiet time, but I stayed away from the corner he seemed to prefer.

We had an unwritten rule that it was your responsibility to announce if you were relaxing somewhere... or not exactly relaxing with company.

Bash took a shower once we were settled at the bunk house so I changed into sweats then grabbed us a 6 pack of beer.  There was still chocolate cake, too, so eating my feelings seemed like a great idea.  We had leftover pizza and I debated warming up a couple slices but decided sugar and alcohol were what I needed most.  I would have grabbed moonshine from the farmhouse but knew we would be doing shots tomorrow in honor of Matilda so that could wait.

He peeked into my room in the bunk house with a smile. "Whoa, you're already prepared."

I laughed and nodded, "Come on in, Bash."

He joined me on the bed where I had my laptop set up with our snacks. The oldest video of me horseback riding was with Matilda when I was 8. and I had that ready to watch on the screen.

"Before we start this, Andy..." Bash paused and slid his hand to the side of my face then traced my bottom lip with his thumb.  The motion was so tender and soothed my anxiety, especially now that I knew he was so invested in our connection.  "I just... I need you to know that when I say I'm here, I mean emotionally as well as in person. The only time I plan to leave is for Christmas and then maybe in a month or so if my sister is able to get things set for an anniversary party to celebrate my parents 40th. If that works out, though... I mean... would you be willing to go with me?"

"Wait, hang on. What?"

He chuckled and let out a long breath, his hand shaking as he asked, "My parents have been married almost 40 years. They waited awhile to have kids since they were so young. Anyway, my sister, Belle, wants to do a little get together to celebrate so I told her if everything works out to let me know the timeline and I will do my best to be there as a surprise. Would you be willing to go with me?"

I froze, trying to process the gravity of this invitation as well as all it would mean for me personally.  "Bash, I have never left Tennessee. I've never been on a plane or stayed at a hotel or anything like that. My entire life, like 90% of it, has been spent here, on this farm." My mind was racing but I stared into his hazel eyes and grinned.  "Let's just see how it goes but if it works out then yes. I would love to go with you."


I nodded while whispering, "It's terrifying, but your Mom and Belle have been so sweet in the messages we've exchanged so far.  I feel like I can be more brave with you at my side."

He smiled then leaned in to kiss me gently. "And I'd be with you every step of the way.  I am waiting to hear back from her right now but it would be in about 2 months in mid March."

We settled in to watch our old home videos and found ourselves laughing at how little I was, the way Gramps looked so much younger, not to mention teenage Austin in all his pimple faced and scrawny glory,  Taylor was in some of them, too, since he helped us on and off through high school and college.

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