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Dylan was such a creep.

I was not interested in general, but watching his showdown with Bash as well as how disrespectful he could be cemented that in my mind.

He asked me out but I said I was not interested and thanked him anyway.  Part of me knew that would not be the last time he tried something.  At least I made myself clear, though.

Bash fell back into our routine easily on his first day after being in Wisconsin. It was nice to get a night ride in, too, especially when the weather was so still. My mind stopped racing and I felt at peace for once when Daylight was in her element. I would have loved to go for a long ride through the farm but seeing Bash struggle to get in the saddle with Maverick was an indicator that could wait.

He needed the chance to ease back into work after being away.

Austin was sitting at the counter with his laptop and a beer when we returned. He grinned, "How did Maverick do?"

"Amazing. I gotta say, he's becoming my favorite horse now," Bash said with a laugh.

I gasped, then teased, "More than the twins?? Come on, Bash, Pongo and Perdita deserve better."

"Can't take them for a ride yet so it's just different. If I had to pick a favorite animal over all, of course Bagheera wins."

As if on cue, the black cat joined us and wove himself around Bash's legs. He lifted the sweet kitty and cuddled him close while smiling. "So, you have citrus?"

Austin nodded, "Back after Taylor worked with us for the first time he sent us a box of oranges for Christmas from his cousin's farm. They were so good that we started ordering but didn't know he helped with the mail orders so he caught on to what we liked."

I peeled an orange and handed Bash a segment, "The next year it was a box of oranges and one of grapefruit. Then he added lemons and last year it was also limes. Now he sends us 2 boxes of oranges with everything else.  I do my best to use them when they're good then have made like candied lemon peel, stuff like that.  Lime can go into salsa, I do cookie dough that can be frozen once it's portioned... there are a lot of ways we try to enjoy all year."

His hazel eyes lit up as he chewed the fruit, "Holy shit."

"Right?" I nodded, "Incredible. We still order throughout the year when it's available but the extra at Christmas is really kind of him."

Bash shook his head as I peeled another orange and we continued sharing. It was easy to relax for a bit with beers and fresh fruit while I felt myself get extremely tired.

Part of me was worried when Bash was gone. I had this unnerving wave of uncertainty as soon as he left that he would realize our farm was not the right fit for him. That all the time we spent slowly growing our friendship was just for fun, not anything more.

The second his eyes locked on mine when he got back, I knew that was not the case.

"You look ready to crash, AJ," Austin said, tucking away his laptop.  "Daylight has been amazing lately.  I'm kinda glad you've been focused on Maverick since I get more time with her. She is just such a good horse overall but loves the challenges you offer with bareback and tricks."

"Yeah, I'm glad we have a break from the middle of the night feedings but I may never catch up on the sleep I lost. Poor Daylight doesn't get the focused training we offer Maverick but she also doesn't need it like he does. It's been nice to see you guys enjoy time with her, though."

"Oh, did they get back to you on your follow up x ray about your ribs?" Bash asked after finishing his beer then taking our empty bottles to the recycle bin.

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