Twenty Three

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I should have known Delia would cause drama.

Andy handled herself even better than I could have hoped.

Of course she did.  My Mom and sister have built a strong bond with her the last couple of months, especially when we confirmed with Belle that we would be attending.  She knew Andy was shy and had barely left their farm so that gave her the chance to make sure everything went smoothly.

The way Andy came up to me and stood strong while holding my hand when confronting my ex made me love her even more.

We spent some time on the balcony relaxing with a couple beers before finally turning in after 3am.  I was exhausted emotionally as well as because of the late night, but knew we could sleep in. It was nice to just replay the high points of our evening, like how my parents were genuinely shocked at her appearance more than me being there.

I would have been offended if it was not so understandable.

Andy didn't ask further and knew I would give her more information when I felt ready.  I also knew she trusted me implicitly.

Hearing that she sent gifts to my family without my knowledge before we even had any real friendship was powerful. Sure, it was also sent to Gramps, but even now I was brand new to the farm.  Their care and intention meant the world. Andy confessed that it was arranged in October shortly before Taylor left for his cousin's farm. They took holiday gift box orders early and would have had it delivered during my visit except there were issues due to weather.

In a way I was glad I had no idea. Trying those oranges for the first time on my first night back at the farm was a magical moment. I had accepted my feelings for Andy and knew based on how she was acting that there was a chance we could build something strong. Now that I could see how deep the connection she already built with Belle as well as my folks went, it was even more clear how perfect she was for me.

How perfect she had always been for me.

Even replaying our first interactions when I arrived was somehow brighter now that I knew the way Andy worked so hard to care for everyone. Realizing the silent notes taken about favorite foods, drinks, and laundry made a difference. She had not even spoken directly to me that much but was already noticing how to step in and make my life easier.

I woke up before her the next morning at almost 10.  Andy was on her side, cuddling a pillow and facing me.  We quickly learned that neither of us liked to touch one another while sleeping.  I moved a lot at night which woke her up plus she was a light sleeper so while we had plenty of cuddling before we went to sleep, that was when it ended.

The fact that we figured that out and were able to make sleeping in the same bed work anyway was pretty special. Both of us got more rest this way, too. I did not spend an hour laying in bed thinking over my day and all the moments with Andy. Now her voice was the last thing I heard before I fell sleep unless Bagheera was mewling to get our attention.

"Morning," she said with a stretch, yawning as she started to open her eyes.

I grinned, leaning closer to kiss her.  "Morning.  Should we get UberEats so we can try that bagel place down the road?"

Andy nodded before she asked, "How do you feel after last night?"

"Glad I'm with you."

She choked out a laugh then shrugged, "I mean, I can't blame you.  Sure, she's blonde, but can she lift you onto the back of a horse while he's trotting?"

"By the time Taylor gets here you'll be swinging me up when Maverick gallops, too.  It's the same thing, just more terrifying."

Andy smiled softly, her hand reaching out to run through my hair then toying with the ends.  "This will take some getting used to."

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