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I was pretty sure it was ready.

After working with the horses for awhile, Andy decided to spend some time with Matilda. The Vet planned to be by tomorrow to check in on her but this was a tough process. I had worked at ranches where a perfectly healthy animal was put down in a brutal way on a whim because they made one mistake.

What happened with Maverick would be cause to end his life.  When I was honest with myself, I knew I would have understood, too.  Andy insisted we take the time to work with him, though, so Walt trusted his daughter's judgment and made sure Austin and I were around if she was working with the stallion to keep watch.

Considering that made my heart ache.

While Austin and I had a tough time trusting him again, Andy was willing to give the stallion a chance.  Now he was my favorite. Maverick had a lot of energy and spirit inside him. Maybe that was why I loved him so much... it reminded me of the determination I had always had to create the life I wanted.  

He needed the chance to trust humans as well as learn how to work with us.  That took time, consistency, and the right kind of challenges but Mav was now showing us how much he loved his life here.

Walt and Ruby were happy to help me put together a picnic that I set up in the hayloft while Andy was occupied.  I strung up twinkling lights and spread a few blankets with some cushions to make it even more cozy.  Ruby suggested what ended up being a charcuterie and cheese board of sorts, including a few cheeses, veggies with hummus, some leftover grilled chicken, and whatever we could think of to throw into the basket. There was fresh sourdough and I chose a bottle of wine then was able to secure a couple slices of chocolate cake from the bunk house.

Austin and Marianne were having fun getting to know one another. I texted to make sure it was okay for me to stop by the bunk house but it was clear that was no issue. Once I had Tupperware for the dessert, Mar got our portion set and reminded me to add silverware while Austin included a wine bottle opener.

He was a smart guy.

Once I had everything organized and felt like the hayloft was sufficiently arranged, I climbed down the ladder then headed to Matilda's pen.

Walt was sitting with Andy while the sweet horse was laying down.

The energy was intense as he let out a long breath, his hand stroking the horse's mane before he told Andy, "I'm sorry, Andrea Jane.  I really am. The Vet will be prepared tomorrow... when I spoke to him a few minutes ago with the update he agreed it was time."

"Andy?" I almost whispered, hoping the worst had not been confirmed.

She met my eyes then nodded, her mouth twitched into a frown, "Matilda is having trouble getting up every single time now. When she laid down earlier, I hoped it would not be as bad but now things are worse.  All the massaging and medication and heating pads and everything else were always a band aid.  We knew this would happen eventually."  Andy shook her head, "Uh, Bash?  Would you be willing to get Jeffrey? We put her in this large pen just in case and they have been close for the entire time we owned them.  I just... I mean, they love one another so it would be good for all the horses to get a few minutes with her but Jeffrey needs it most."

"Of course. Give me a few to get him over here..."

I did as requested, leading the large black horse in so he was near the sweet brown mare. Jeffrey immediately laid down near her with his face next to Matilda's which made all of us emotional.

Maybe the picnic needed to wait.  This was worse than I expected so knowing Andy had so much to juggle emotionally would not allow her the chance to unwind in general.  The Vet planned to check up on Matilda and possibly try a new medication that could help but knowing the decision was already made...

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