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"You really didn't have to come pick me up, Andy, but I appreciate it!" Marianne said while throwing her backpack into the back seat of Austin's truck while I waited for her outside the diner.  Her dark hair was down in waves and I could not help but notice the excitement in her expression.

We were able to set up a movie night and decided to grab some pizzas from town since we had an order to pick up at the feed store, too.  It was less than a week since New Years Eve and Marianne was busy at the diner but excited to spend a few days with us.

My parents were happy to let the 4 of us use the bunk house.  They enjoyed having the farmhouse to themselves.

They're not stupid.

They caught Austin with his high school girlfriend in the hay loft.   I had no idea what they assumed about Bash and me, or if they caught us making out over the last few days, but that was obviously not an issue.

The guys were getting everything set up and we decided to go down memory lane with movies like "Blades of Steel" and "Tommy Boy." We took the kittens over earlier along with our stuff so they were enjoying the new space.  Austin and Bash assured me they were getting settled without any issue so I was able to grab a shower then get some errands run before picking up our guest.

"So, how has work gone?" I asked after we grabbed a stack of pizzas from our favorite place in town.  Their homemade sauce was incredible, especially since they used tomatoes from our farm.

"Been wild, Andy.   I wish I had the chance to stop over before now but Uncle Joe letting me take a Sunday through Tuesday off is exciting. I know there are plans for movies tonight at least but tomorrow I want to immerse myself in everything that is Macintyre farm." She pulled her dark hair into a high ponytail and grinned, "I have jeans, bought the boots you suggested, and am ready to be sore everywhere from horseback riding.   Austin said you and Bash have been playing with some stunts?"

I laughed with a nod, "Man, it's fun. We went for a bareback double ride on Maverick on New Years after you left. It went better than expected so we've continued messing with the idea. Daylight and Lenny have both done the same now, and I have hilarious video of Austin and Bash riding Lenny together. Bash even pulled him onto the horse from the ground the way he does to me."

My phone was in the center console and when we stopped at a light I swiped to pull up the video. Marianne cracked up at the sight, then asked, "How do you decide who is in front or back?"

"Usually the lighter person is behind. I've done double riding like this with Taylor and that's what we've done. With Bash I sat in front."

She giggled while setting my phone back in the console but saw the lock photo of Bash grinning while he held Bagheera as a tiny kitten. "Want to get girl talk out of the way before we get there?"

"Absolutely." I met her eyes a moment and shared, "I made chocolate cake, a few kinds of cookies, and we have plenty of drinks and ice cream at the bunk house. Oh, and everything is prepared so we can easily do breakfast tacos tomorrow.  Meals are set so that means more time for baby animals."

"God, you guys are the best. That lasagna gave me the best dreams."

"You sure that wasn't Austin?" I teased.

Marianne laughed with a shrug. "Okay, so maybe both." She paused, then turned her body toward me while buckled into the passenger seat. "I just... so, we talked a little about this over text, but I had to leave Grand Ledge because of my toxic ex. He was emotionally abusive but when it got physical I broke up with him and left our place... but stayed in town. By this past fall he was showing up at my work and it was freaking me out.   When I talked to my parents about it and actually told them what was going on they also panicked.  Mom called her brother, my Uncle Joe, and magically he had work for me."

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