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Andy easily swung me behind her onto Maverick's back on her first try when I was standing on a hay bale.

I was shocked.

The girl was absolutely fit, and I had done more than my fair share of checking out her body, but Austin and Mar also gasped with surprise.

We rode a few laps and Austin did the same thing with Mar while riding Daylight.  She was a bit scared but we used the hay bale again which made for an easier transition.  After having some fun in the arena we got them cooled down then went into the barn so we could get the animals  tucked in for the evening.  I appreciated how easily Marianne slipped into our dynamic.  Andy and Austin had a strong relationship, both as siblings and friends.  I never felt like a 3rd wheel when I was working alongside them, though.

Andy was laughing at me since I tickled her a couple times after being pulled onto Mav's back.  It was so easy to mess with her.  Austin filled me in when she was gone about how ever since she was little they always teased one another constantly.  It was nice to feel the same camaraderie with both of them.   They also tend to play pranks on one another when possible so I was trying to brainstorm what I could do to participate.

"So, Austin, do I have to give back my man card?" I asked while getting a couple apples chopped up for the foals.

He shook his head, "Are you joking? That was awesome. I'm impressed at both of you. Now I won't have to double with you and can let my sister handle pulling my ass up."

Andy groaned, "Are you serious? I don't want to do that, Austin."


"Cause you're my brother..."

They stared one another down and I side eyed Mar while she stifled laughter before he finally agreed. "I mean, you're not wrong."

We had plans to do some training with the foals the following morning so Mar was excited to see them play.  Dylan would be at the house for breakfast at 8 since everyone agreed with our bunk house sleep over it would be a better fit.  The Vet was coming in 2 days to check on Matilda, as well, but for the moment I tried to put that out of my mind.

Walt and Ruby did not mind having the house to themselves at all.  Andy texted with her Dad a bit earlier and he confirmed his wife was completely floored by the effort he put into a nice evening.  They tried to do date nights when possible but Ruby was a bit self conscious about being in public most of the time.  One exception was Joe's Diner, since they had been friends for so long, but I could understand how tough it would be to love your wife and fight to make sure she could understand how much you cared.

I brushed down Maverick while Andy spent a little time with Daylight.   We worked with them together earlier and even switched which we were riding by putting them side by side. She slipped behind me, leaving Daylight's saddle empty, then I switch from Mav.

It worked perfectly.  We were excited to see Taylor again so he could give us more pointers.   He was sent some videos by us and continued to give advice as well as encouragement.  The off season was so relaxed that I forgot how chaotic things became during harvest time.  Taylor's passion was always the animals.  Being able to keep in close touch helped him dive back in immediately when he returned.

I felt so supported and excited to continue growing. When I dropped out of high school 10 years ago then got my GED I had no idea I'd have 2 college educated dudes with so much professional time with animals care what I had to say.

Not to mention the respect I was given by Walt from day 1.  He did not know anything about me but when I brought up ideas or suggestions he took them under advisement.  Now I was aware just how much Austin kept him informed, but regardless it felt wonderful to have such a strong rapport with the family that accepted me as part of their crew.

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