Twenty Two

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I took a deep breath while washing my hands in the staff bathroom of Tony's Italian restaurant.  Isabelle texted us when we arrived since their parents were not here yet. We agreed that she would pull the big surprise on them with all the other guests first, then after that had settled we would join the party.

The story was that Belle and her husband, Terrance, were meeting her parents for a nice dinner to celebrate their anniversary. In reality she had a couple dozen family friends and relatives waiting to enjoy an evening with a buffet of Italian food, good wine, and great conversation.

In a way, Bash was the guest of honor. He talked to his Mom earlier today for a few minutes when we were at the hotel and let her know he had to go sooner than he usually would, insisting we had to step into a meeting about the next years budget to work out logistics. She was impressed that he had a hand in the business side of our farm, which was not a complete lie.

Dad was pulling Bash into more of the planning phase which gave him the chance to see how things work behind the curtain. Austin and I have done that for years. My parents even changed Bash's compensation so he receives a percentage of profits like my brother and I do. It ended up being extremely generous, though that means a different form of budgeting than most would use thanks to money only coming in part of the year.

After a few calming breaths, I headed back to the manager's office. The restaurant owner was thrilled to help with the surprise and allowed us back in his office so we could hide for a few minutes.  He was old friends with the Miller's and warmly welcomed Bash and me to the restaurant then brought us each a glass of red wine.

I have always hated red wine, but basically chugged it anyway.

Bash was waiting for me when I returned and grinned, leaning against the manager's desk while scrolling his phone.  He looked handsome in a navy suit with a jade green tie and got a haircut earlier today.  We met Isabelle at the local mall with her kids to relax for a bit and give him the chance to get that done.  She and I had a great time chatting with iced coffee while the kids played at a jungle gym then we grabbed lunch at the food court.

She was so kind in general but the way we had gotten to know one another online helped me relax more.  Bash now had a short haircut that reminded me of a Ken doll and shaved his facial hair as well. Isabelle almost cried then said she didn't know what would be the biggest surprise.

His presence, my presence, or the haircut.

"You okay, Andy?" he asked gently while I caught my reflection in a mirror.

I knew I looked good.

Marianne and I found the most stunning jade green dress that matched my eyes.  The form fitting gown was long with a slit up the side and I chose lower heeled strappy sandals so I would be comfortable.

My work boots were taller than these.

"I think so.  Nervous, of course, but that's to be expected."

Bash nodded then grinned, running his hand through my hair as it trailed down my back in waves.  "You look gorgeous.  You have every single day I've known you.  And before you ask, that includes when you were doped up after getting almost trampled by a horse."

I laughed and shook my head, amazed at where we were both emotionally and physically.  This entire trip was a shock but I knew it was the right choice. It felt like a fever dream when I woke up that morning in our hotel room, slightly hung over and starving since it was already well past when I was used to eating breakfast.

If Bash could sacrifice time with his family to commit to our farm then I can take a flight for the first time. We really enjoyed the hotel and our private hot tub then grabbed some wine, beer, and snacks when we were out earlier in the day to make the rest of our trip even better.

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