You Should Of Known

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Before Odette can respond, Emily continues, her voice trembling with emotion.

Emily: (firmly) Clara told me everything, Odette. She told me about your confession, about how you lied to me when you rejected me.

Odette's heart sinks as she realizes that her secret is out, and she braces herself for Emily's reaction.

Odette: (apologetically) Emily, I...

Emily: (interrupting) Don't. Just... don't. How could you lie to me, Odette? I trusted you, and you betrayed that trust.

Odette: (nervously) Emily, please...

Emily: (interrupting) And not only did you lie to me about your feelings, but you also hid the fact that you're responsible for the deaths of millions of souls. How could you keep something like that from me?

Odette: (desperately) Emily, please. I know I messed up, and I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just...

Odette hangs her head in shame, knowing that she's hurt the person she cares about the most.

Emily: (fiercely) But you did hurt me, Odette. You hurt me more than you'll ever know.

Tears well up in Emily's eyes as she struggles to contain her emotions, her heart aching with pain and betrayal. As Odette coughs a bit before replying:

Odette: (regretfully) I know, Emily. And I can't even begin to apologize enough for what I've done.

Emily: (tearfully) Do you even realize how much you mean to me, Odette? I trusted you, I asked you out, hoping you would say yes, and you threw it all away like it meant nothing. I thought... I thought we had something special, Odette. I thought... I thought you felt the same way about me.

Odette: (gently) I do, Emily. I do feel the same way about you. I just... know we won't work out together.

Emily: (shocked) Odette...

Odette takes a sip of her drink and takes a deep breath before continuing, her voice filled with sincerity. As she coughs a bit:

Odette: (softly) Emily, I do have feelings for you. More than I care to admit. But I can't ignore the truth of who I am and what I've done. I've caused so much pain and suffering without even knowing. I've killed more than any soul, angel, or demon, and I can't expect you to overlook that. You deserve someone who's not burdened by the weight of their past, someone who can give you the love and happiness you deserve. I know you, Emily, and I know that I stand for everything you hate.

Odette and Emily stand there in silence, Odette taking another sip of her drink.

Emily: (nervously) How long have you known about your... you know, death count?

Odette: (quietly) After we had that conversation after you... killed Gabriel last month, I decided to do some... I knew my weapons killed a lot of people, but I never expected to find out how much blood was on my hands. I discovered that two days ago, finding out I've killed more people than any monster in hell.

Emily: (sadly) Odette...

Odette: (quietly) It's not your fault, Emily. You couldn't have known. But now that you do, I understand if you want nothing to do with me. Knowing what happened the last time you found out somebody had the blood of millions of lives on their hands.

Emily: (calmly) No, Odette. That's not what I want at all. Despite everything, I still care about you. I can't just turn my back on you, not after everything we've been through together. Don't compare yourself to Sera. You may not have been there, but she knew what she was doing. She chose to go through with the exterminations, and I'm a fallen angel because of finding out what she did. You are not that person.

Odette: (nervously) But I still knew for years I had blood on my hands. That's why I'm in hell.

Emily: (calmly) That's true, but you didn't lie about it. I knew you had a kill count like most people in this hotel; you just didn't know you killed so many.

Odette: (horrified) But I should have known. I should have realized that my weapons were killing more than I calculated, but I ignored the idea. Now I'm just some unforgivable monster.

Odette turns around, coughing again before taking another sip of her drink.

Emily: (pleading) Odette, please, you are not a monster.

Odette: (quietly) Then what am I?

Emily hesitates, not knowing how to reply. Odette remains silent, wanting to say something but having no words to use as Odette coughs again.

Odette: (quietly) Emily, please... just leave me be. It's for the best, for both our sakes.

Emily takes a step closer to Odette, her eyes filled with determination.

Emily: (firmly) No, Odette. I won't leave you. I refuse to give up on you, not now, not ever. You may have made mistakes, but that doesn't define who you are. You're more than your past, more than your regrets. You're a brilliant scientist, a caring friend, and someone I care deeply about.

Odette looks at Emily, her eyes brimming with tears as she struggles, coughing yet again.

Odette: (nervously) Emily, please don't do this, leave now, and let me drink in peace.

Emily reaches out and gently touches Odette's arm, her touch warm and comforting.

Emily: (softly) I'm not going anywhere, Odette. Not until we figure this out together. You don't have to face this alone.

Odette: (pleading) Emily, plea-

Suddenly, Odette starts coughing even more violently than before, blood dripping out her mouth as Emily's eyes widen in alarm as she notices Odette's condition worsening, her concern overriding any previous hesitation or anger.

Emily: (urgently) Odette, what's wrong? Why are you coughing like that?

Odette tries to brush off Emily's concern, but her weakened state betrays her attempt at nonchalance.

Odette: (weakly) It's nothing, Emily. Just a... little tickle in my throat.

Emily: (worriedly) Odette, this isn't nothing. You're coughing up blood. We need to get you help, now.

Emily quickly supports Odette, helping her to her feet as she continues to cough, her face pale with distress.

Odette: (weakly) Emily, I... I don't... I can't...

Emily: (urgently) Odette, stay with me. You need help, and I'm not leaving your side until you get it.

As Odette continues to cough, her eyes close as she falls unconscious, her glasses falling off her and onto the floor of the balcony as Emily tries to help her up.

Emily: (desperately) ODETTE!

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