The Christmas Invasion

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Note: This was meant to be the ending to the last chapter but I accidentally deleted it during the final edits, also the fanfiction is going on a hiatus give the chapters more time to get more views so the whole thing doesn't get cancelled due to lack of interest, I'm working on the early script for my next fanfiction (which won't involve any Power Ranger elements) to keep people entertained and keep interest while I work on props for Green With Evil

I'm certainly calling this next fanfiction, "The Master Plan"

I'm certainly calling this next fanfiction, "The Master Plan"

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Santa: (thoughtfully) Yes, I remember. The magic that transformed them must be undone.

Santa walks over to his Naughty and Nice List machine, which still stands intact despite the chaos. He places a hand on it, and the machine hums to life, its lights twinkling merrily.

Santa: (smiling) This machine can do more than just track behavior. With the right adjustments, it can reverse the effects of the transformation.

Charlie: (hopeful) Really? You can turn them back to normal?

Santa: (nodding) Yes, but it will take a moment.

Santa inputs a series of commands into the machine, the ancient device whirring and clicking as it processes his instructions. The screen displays the names "Emily" and "Odette," and a soft, magical glow surrounds the machine.

Santa: (gently) Stand back, everyone. This requires precise magic.

The glow intensifies, and beams of light shoot out from the machine, enveloping Emily and Odette. The girls, still fast asleep in their cozy room back at the hotel, are lifted gently into the air as the magic works its way through them. The transformation is gradual but steady, their forms shifting back to their original ages.

As the light fades, Emily and Odette, now returned to their proper ages, are lowered back onto the bed. They stir slightly but remain peacefully asleep.

Clara: (sighing with relief) Thank you, Santa. This means more than you know

Santa: (smiling warmly) Christmas is about giving and making things right. I'm just glad I could help.

Charlie: (grateful) We all are. Thank you, Santa.

Santa: (nodding) Now, let's make sure everyone else is safe and prepare for a joyous Christmas celebration. There's still much to do, but together, we can make it a Christmas to remember.

As the crew begins to clean up the aftermath of the battle and make preparations for the festivities, there's a renewed sense of hope and unity. The warehouse, once a site of conflict, starts to fill with laughter and cheer, the true spirit of Christmas shining through.

Santa: (addressing everyone) Now, if you don't mind me, I need to deliver presents to the people of Earth.


Back at the hotel, the room is bathed in a soft, golden glow from the Christmas lights outside. Emily and Odette, now restored to their proper ages, begin to stir. They slowly open their eyes, blinking in confusion as they take in their surroundings. The cozy room, the warmth of the blankets, and the gentle ambiance of Christmas fill them with a sense of peace.

Emily: (sleepily) Odette? Are we... back to normal?

Odette: (rubbing her eyes) I think so... It feels like it.

The two girls sit up, glancing at each other and then at the clock on the bedside table. It reads 11:00 PM-just one hour to Christmas Day. They blush, realizing how vulnerable and childlike they had been earlier.

Emily: (blushing) We were really children, weren't we?

Odette: (nodding, blushing as well) Yeah, we were. It was kind of nice, though, to feel so carefree.

Emily: (smiling) Yeah, it was. But I'm glad we're back to normal.

At that moment, the door opens softly, and Lucifer steps in, followed by Carmilla. Both have gentle smiles on their faces, relieved to see the girls back to their original selves.

Lucifer: (warmly) How are you feeling, girls?

Emily: (smiling) Much better, thanks to you. Now...

Let's go celebrate Christmas.

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