Sorrowful Knight Aigaron

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(Note: A few things: first, I accidentally uninstalled Discord, and now I can't get back into my account because I forgot my password and username so I apologize for anyone who had me on discord if you've messaged me recently and have had no reply, secondly, Hazbin Hotel The Rebirth is going on hiatus, there are multiple reasons for this, since I'm buliding a lego city and getting props for my next fanfiction, also the fact the current fanfiction is starting to feel dried up due to the lack of comments (since the comments really do motivate me to do more) so yeah, also for people who are reading the rebirth, opinions on Squillia Shar Livia Carmine, since I really think it's important if people like her character since if most of you don't, I don't want to waste time in her.)

A week later, the Hazbin crew finds themselves in a wild west town, seeking refuge from the chaos unleashed by a revived angel. Only the sound of the wind echoes through the deserted buildings as they cautiously make their way through the town, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.

Charlie: (determined) Alright, listen up, everyone. We need to stay sharp and stick together. Someone may be out there, but we ain't gonna let him ruin our journey to the fourth orb.

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, followed by the sound of shattering glass as a bullet narrowly misses Angel Dust.

Angel Dust: (startled) Son of a... That was too close for comfort!

Odette's eyes narrow as she scans the area, her senses on high alert.

Carmilla: (grimly) Looks like he's found us. Time to show him what we're made of. Stay behind cover and keep your heads down.

With Carmilla taking the lead, the crew moves quickly, ducking behind whatever cover they can find as bullets continue to rain down on them.

Odette: (nervously) Emily, I... I don't know if I can do this...

Emily places a reassuring hand on Odette's shoulder, her gaze steady and supportive.

Emily: (encouragingly) You can do this, Odette. We're in this together. Just focus on staying safe and keeping your head down. We'll get through this.

Odette nods, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

As they navigate the chaotic streets of the wild west town, dodging bullets and staying low to the ground, Odette's mind races with thoughts of Valentino and what happened between them. But she pushes those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the present moment and the task at hand, along with Emily, as they hide while the revived Angel walks around.

Zealot: (determined) This is easy... too easy.

As the crew continues to navigate through the town, they spot a nearby saloon and quickly make their way towards it, hoping to find refuge and a better vantage point to defend themselves

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As the crew continues to navigate through the town, they spot a nearby saloon and quickly make their way towards it, hoping to find refuge and a better vantage point to defend themselves.

Carmilla: (urgently) Everyone, to the saloon! We need to regroup and plan our next move.

With Carmilla leading the way, the crew rushes into the saloon, taking cover behind tables and overturned furniture as they prepare for the inevitable confrontation.

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