How To Ruin Christmas

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Charlie, noticing Emily and Odette's innocent curiosity, decides to distract them from the seriousness of their situation with a heartwarming story about Santa Claus. She sits down with them on the couch, their eyes wide with wonder and their little legs swinging back and forth as they listen intently.

Charlie: (sweetly) Once upon a time, in a magical place far, far away, there lived a jolly old man named Santa Claus...

Emily: (excitedly) Santa Claus? Who's that?

Odette: (giggling) Is he magic?

Charlie: (enthusiastically) Oh yes, he's very magical! Santa Claus lives in the North Pole, where he has a workshop full of elves who make toys for children all around the world.

Emily: (wide-eyed) Toys? For everyone?

Odette: (clapping her hands) I want toys too!

Charlie: (smiling) Of course! Santa Claus knows every child's wish because he has a list where he checks who's been good and who's been naughty.

Emily: (thoughtfully) Am I on the good list?

Odette: (nodding vigorously) I'm good too!

Charlie: (playfully) Well, let's see... Hmm, I think both of you are definitely on the good list!

Emily and Odette squeal with delight, hugging each other tightly and bouncing up and down with joy.

Emily: (gleefully) Yay! We're on the good list!

Odette: (giggling) Santa's gonna bring us toys!

Just as their excitement reaches its peak, Lucifer, unable to resist, interjects with a hint of annoyance.

Lucifer: (grumpily) Oh, for the love of... Santa Claus isn't real, you two.

Emily and Odette's faces instantly fall, their eyes welling up with tears. They look at each other with confusion and then burst into heart-wrenching sobs, their tiny voices filled with sadness.

Emily: (sniffling) But Charlie said...

Odette: (tearfully) Santa's not real?

Charlie shoots Lucifer a disapproving glare, while Vaggie, Carmilla, and Rosie exchange exasperated looks.

Vaggie: (sternly) Lucifer, really?

Carmilla: (annoyed) You couldn't just let them enjoy the story?

Rosie: (softly) They're just kids, Lucifer. They don't need to hear that.

Lucifer, realizing his mistake, tries to backpedal.

Lucifer: (awkwardly) Uh, well, you see... it's not that he's completely...

But Emily and Odette continue crying inconsolably, their tiny shoulders shaking with each sob.

Emily: (sniffling) Charlie, why did Daddy say Santa's not real?

Odette: (wailing) I wanted toys from Santa!

Charlie quickly steps in, trying to salvage the situation.

Charlie: (comfortingly) Oh, sweethearts, don't cry. Santa Claus may not be real in the way we think, but the spirit of giving and kindness he represents is very real.

Emily and Odette sniffle, looking up at Charlie with watery eyes.

Emily: (sniffing) No toys?

Odette: (sadly) No Santa?

Charlie: (gently) We can still have fun and enjoy the holidays together. And who knows? Maybe we'll find a way to get some special presents for you two.

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