RIP Niffty

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The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, Niffty is in the middle of her usual cleaning routine, darting from room to room with her duster. Her usual energy is evident, but today she’s slightly on edge. The hotel is abuzz with activity, but there’s something different about today. Niffty’s movements are more frantic than usual, and her eyes keep darting around.

Niffty: (muttering to herself) Everything has to be perfect. Perfectly clean! But why does it feel like something’s... missing?

Suddenly, she notices a slight disturbance: a chair slightly out of place in the lobby. Her eyes widen in horror.

Niffty: (panicking) The chair! It’s not where it’s supposed to be! No, no, no, this won’t do!

She rushes over to the chair, adjusting it frantically. As she does, she notices that the coffee table has been moved a few inches. Her panic intensifies.

Niffty: (voice rising) The coffee table too?! This is a disaster! Who could have done this? The chaos is unbearable!

Niffty starts reorganizing the lobby, putting everything back in its place with wild energy. She moves so fast that she’s practically a blur, knocking over a vase in her haste. The vase shatters, and Niffty freezes in horror.

Niffty: (screaming) Nooooo! The vase! Why?! What is happening?!

She attempts to clean up the mess, but as she does, she slips on a stray piece of broken porcelain and lands on her back with a loud thud.

Niffty: (lying on the floor, flailing) This is a catastrophe! Everything is falling apart! I can’t take it anymore!

At that moment, Angel Dust wanders by, munching on a donut. He sees Niffty’s chaotic state and raises an eyebrow.

Angel Dust: (smirking) Whoa, what’s going on here? Did someone spill a bucket of crazy?

Niffty: (still on the floor, dramatically) Everything’s gone wrong, Angel! The chair was out of place, the coffee table was moved, and now—oh, look at this mess!

Angel Dust: (teasingly) Sounds like you’ve got a real mess on your hands. Maybe you need a vacation from the cleaning for a bit?

Niffty: (popping up from the floor) A vacation?! I can’t take a vacation! The hotel needs to be spotless! What if something else gets out of place?

Niffty, despite her earlier attempt to find solace in the broken vase’s artful arrangement, suddenly collapses into a ball in the corner of the lobby. Her single eye, usually so full of energy and determination, now glistens with tears. She curls up tightly, clutching her knees to her chest.

Niffty: (sobbing) Why is everything so hard? I just wanted everything to be perfect, but it’s all falling apart!

Angel Dust, seeing Niffty in such a state, feels a pang of sympathy. He sets down his donut and kneels beside her.

Angel Dust: (softly) Hey, Niffty. It’s okay. It’s just a chair and a coffee table. They can be put back.

Niffty: (crying harder) It’s not just the chair and the coffee table! It’s everything! I can’t control anything anymore, and I’m so tired!

Angel Dust: (trying to comfort her) Look, I get it. Things get messy sometimes. But you don’t have to do everything yourself. We’ve got a whole hotel full of people who can help out.

Niffty: (wiping her eyes) But I’m the one who’s supposed to make everything perfect. That’s my job!

Angel Dust: (gently) Perfection is overrated. Sometimes, you’ve got to let go a little. I mean, look at me—I’ve had my share of mess-ups, and I’m still kicking.

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